A young man moves to Shikoku, the smallest of Japan's four main islands, to live in Kagawa prefecture with his uncle who runs a sound studio. Attending the Kotohira Middle School as a student with an ear for music, the player engages in interaction with seven female students who play in the school band. Some girls specialize in vocals and others wield instruments in the pop section. Music provides the glue for possible friendships and amorous maneuvers. A supporting cast of other characters including classmates, teachers and your uncle also supply additional interaction and bolster the storyline. The bulk of the interaction leads up to the school festival where you and band members hope to create beautiful music together.
17 maps by an all-star team of mappers, cutscenes, new monsters, great features. Comes with a custom engine. Neharha is considered by many as one of the innovative mods that shifted the Quake modding dynamics toward single-player map development. The Episodic spiritual fan sequel to Quake contained a four-hour fully voice acted machinima movie and was well over 53817 kilobytes, an incredible map pack at the time, still considered by many as the best Quake mod.
In the Tonka Town Workshop, players bring their own tool workbench (the play set for their computer's keyboard) with them to get a lot of projects done, with Tonka Joe as their host. At the workshop, players would use their tools to create cool projects and as well as get jobs done.
Lead one of the three warring factions to victory as one of three brothers; Jonus, Stefan or Diego. Only one faction will stand above the rest in the end; Mil-Agro, Rimtech or Neuropa. The Hedoth technology will decide the course of the war, in particular the end.
A level for Ultimate Doom + a port that will up the vis-plane limit and is compatible with boom. Shortly after Deimos vanished, the hellspawn appeared on Mars and Earth. Blah Blah Blah, you are a private UAC marine stationed on Mars, and your buddies are gone. Grab your shotgun and take some of the uglies out!
Pop'n Pop is a puzzle game similar to Puzzle Bobble; the player's goal is to release colored bubbles from the bottom on the screen within a limited amount of time, trying to match three or more bubbles of the same color. The difference in this version is that bubbles cannot bounce on the walls; the player can only release them vertically. The game features characters from various Taito games, such as Bub and Bob from the Bubble Bobble series, Tiki from The New Zealand Story, the dwarves from Doko Doko Don, and others.
Prodigy Racing is a mouse-operated 3D racing game. It is the third game in Yoichi Hayashi's Prodigy series. In this futuristic racer, players can choose from a selection of five tracks and two game modes. Pilots operate a machine equipped with an anti-gravity engine and race through a high-speed thrill of up to 400 km/h.
This Hugo franchise game is an edutainment game - its theme is about biology. Its gameplay is varied between stages. In one stage, you might be guiding a near-sighted swallow to eat some insects, while on another stage you'll be tasked to memorize all the shown animals in a correct order. Essentially, the stages are minigames with puzzle or puzzle-like elements included. The stages are presented in a non-linear format, so you can enter in these stages anyway you like. There are 3 difficulty settings to choose from when beginning a new game.
All the goodness of Rocket Arena 2 and much much more. Rocket Arena 3 will redefine what a mod can and should be, going beyond simple gameplay and map additions and adding to the core engine itself. Thanks to the power of client side code in Quake 3, a huge number of features never before thought possible will now take Rocket Arena 3 to that next level. Welcome to the next generation of Rocket Arena, and the next evolution of Quake.
Snow drop is a beautiful European herb known for bearing nodding white flowers that often appear while the snow is on the ground, despite the cold of winter around it. Filled with symbolism of "hope" and "consolation," the beautiful flower is the central theme in Snow Drop, the romantic wintertime bishoujo adventure from Peach Princess!
You are Minoru Sasazuka, age 19, a bit of a dreamer with a difficult tendency of not being able to make decisions when your heart is involved. A normal Japanese boy, trying to get into college, you've got a handsome physique that should make you popular with girls, but your occasional penchant for romanticism drives them away.
Invited on a winter dream ski trip with a group of friends, you head for a ski lodge for some winter skiing and fun. For you, it's a journey home, since you frequented this particular lodge since when you were young. With you are Kyoka, a very special childhood friend of yours, her stylish sister Keika, and your sister, Honami.
At the lodge, you enjoy the h
The Tower continues to stifle the darkness at the world end. Waiting for the rapture time that has erased all the darkness. Collect pastel colored cubes, Defeat enemies more faster and more accurately, And protect your TOWER.
What is Clusterball? It's a sport. Clusterball is an online sport, designed to invoke the same adrenaline rush as Quake and Unreal, but replacing the spatter and gore with pure gameplay. By combining the feel and gaming experience from ball, flight and racing games, Clusterball is totally unlike anything you?ve ever seen before.
ChaoS is a Sonic fangame developed by Davie Slam, it focuses on a unique story surrounding the villain ChaoS causing Angel Island (Referred to as "Floating Island" ingame) to fall and split open. It is a platformer borrowing sprites from games such as Sonic 3, and Sonic 2 with many sprites borrowed from the prototypes of these games.
Main character is a new editor who participates in Gainax new game planning meeting in the mountains. However, as soon as team gathers, storm breaks out cutting way back. Meanwhile, Gainax staff members start to get killed one after another. Can protagonist find a criminal and develop special relations with staff girls under these circumstances?
Cleopatra is an expansion to the real-time strategy game Pharaoh. The biggest additions Cleopatra brings is the inclusion of more monuments, like the Royal Tomb, and a few more items to create and trade.
Small episode with 4 maps of medium size, each with a different texture theme (Base, Metal, Wizard) and a few custom monsters, namely grenade Grunts, nail and rocket Enforcers, and a buggy, poorly executed and out-of-place nail goblin (or something). There is hardly any information in the text file; apparently, the pack was released in an unfinished state, hence the ugly console image and the lack of a boss map. However, the four featured maps are very nice.