Codename: Gordon, also known as Half-Life 2D, is a two-dimensional Flash sidescroller shooter game made by Paul "X-Tender" Kamma and Sönke "Warbeast" Seidel. The game was produced on behalf of Nuclear Vision, and was distributed free of charge over Valve Software's Steam online delivery system as a promotional title for the then-upcoming Half-Life 2. The game has since been removed from Steam's storefront due to factors related to the developer's bankruptcy.
The game started off as a fan project of Paul Kamma and Sönke Seidel, the concept being inspired by various Half-Life 2 advertisements. Soon after, the two started working on Codename: Gordon on behalf of Nuclear Vision. The company also presented the game to Valve, the developer team of the original Half-Life series, who later distributed the game through Steam.
Warlords Battlecry III further expands the Battlecry tradition of featuring persistent RPG-like fantasy heroes with its retinue of loyal followers fighting massive battles in the Warlords' world of Etheria. It is a true sequel to Warlords Battlecry I & II, featuring many familiar races and troop-types, while also adding some new ones into the mix.
Warlords Battlecry III continue to perfect its automated feature system, greatly reducing gameplay micromanagement and quickly proving to be the holy grail of RTS games among gamers of the genre.
While being a strong RTS outright, there are also numerous activities for players to engage in between battles, such as obtaining titles and awards, trading and purchasing items & retinue members, and even an upgradeable castle to reflect your importance and influence in the world of Etheria.
Extra features included in Warlords Battlecry III are specifically geared to please the legions of previous Battlecry players, including the removal of hero and unit caps, the addition
The City of the Damned is a single-level PWAD for Doom II that requires the ZDoom source port. It was designed by Daniel Gimmer (Tormentor667) in 2004, last updated in 2005, and uses an unnamed music track by Lexus Alyus. The par time defined in MAPINFO is 23:15. In 2020 it received a v2.0 update for GZDoom, and a sequel called The City of the Damned: Apocalypse was released in 2007.
Seraphic Blue is a 50+ hour epic RPG made by Tempura in RPG Maker 2000 v1.51, and is highly-received in the Japanese RPG Maker community, most notably for its story.
Three ordinary people are thrown together, and each retells events in his or her own voice in this unconventionally told, uniquely presented, and ultimately very human novella.
Based upon the Quake III Alliance code base, Loki's Revenge CTF is an Offhand Grapple All-Weapons CTF modification for Quake III Arena made as a tribute to Quake 2 Loki's Minions CTF.
Escape from Woomera is an unfinished point-and-click adventure video game, intended to criticise the treatment of mandatorily detained asylum seekers in Australia as well as the Australian government's attempt to impose a media blackout on the detention centres.
Internal Reaches 4 is a single-level PWAD for Doom II that was released in 2004. It was designed by Samuel Villarreal (Kaiser) and is also known as Kaiser 8.
FirePower is an add-on to Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 3.0 that adds 18 brand new aircraft, weapons, special effects, sounds, and missions.
FirePower adds the nucleus of the German defense for 1945, including the AR234 Blitz Bomber, Ta152 Focke-wulf interceptor, and the He162 Salamander. There is an assortment of German night fighters along with the B-17 and Lancaster heavy bombers. The B29 is also featured which enters the war should it take on a different course, which is armed with the Fatman and Littleboy atomic bombs. The Germans also receive the "Virus House" atomic bomb based on the historical nuclear program during WWII in Germany.
Erinia was a Brazilian MMORPG inspired by the elements of Brazilian folklore and religions taking place in the Tuorhence continent, where the three cities Aquilonius, Erynian, and Hesperius are in constant war.
Set in Europe at the time of the migration of nations (about 200-450 AD), Against Rome takes the player to that part of the continent that has not yet succumbed to the Roman Empire. This vast territory, which the Romans disparagingly called barbaricum, is the home of numerous primitive nations. The player takes control over one of these barbarian tribes, who as a whole stood out for a pronounced lack of cultural achievements, combined with a ferocious belligerence. Skirmishes, raids and plunderings were the order of the day for these barbarians and are, therefore, the great theme of this game.
Based in a small village, the player and his barbarians roam the vast forests of Germania or the barren steppes of eastern Europe to raid other settlements in their search for food, weapons and gold. These resources will help the barbarian chieftain expand his settlement and, above all, increase his reputation. While his tribe grows and flourishes, the leader obtains fame and experience and grows to be a master of warfare,
The reality TV show of neighbourly nastiness and community commotion moves on to the next round.
The Neighbour from Hell wants to enjoy an undeserved holiday – reason enough for Woody and the camera team to sneak along onto the cruise liner to make the nasty neighbour's holiday a living hell. This time, the neighbour's mum has joined him, and she is taking good care of her baby.
Get the Neighbour from Hell into his mum's and fellow travellers' bad books, play tricks on him and give free reign to your vengeance.
This game showcases the Top Down Scrolling Arcade engine that powers some of the arcade sequences for Barn Runner: The Forever Friday in the style of Spy Hunter.