This title was developed by Ken Takahashi and co-produced by Miya Ayako. The game is based in Konami's Loco-Motion, and the player has to collect the carrots and go through the outer tracks to clear the stages.
Players must grab their weapons and descend into several labyrinthine floors, full of monsters and hazards, in this 2D FPS. Each level has a mix of baddies and collectibles, plus damaging tiles and/or conveyor belts to complicate movement. You start on a safe floor with other NPCs roaming around; later stages delve into horror, cyberpunk, and fleshy aesthetics. Maze 999 uses the developer's own raycasting engine, rendering the world a la Wolfenstein 3D.
Sword World PC is a role-playing game on PC-98, published on 1992. It is a game that aims to fully reproduce the system of the Sword World RPG, a table-talk RPG, on a computer.