In the 21st century, human beings have all but destroyed their home planet Earth. Surviving humans found a shelter on a planet called Jorune. A civil war errupted, humans fighting the indigenous population; eventually, peace was achieved, and the various races found a way to co-exist with each other... all except one. The Shantha, one of the most ancient and powerful races on Jorune, adepts at the magical art of Isho, were not satisfied with the shape the planet has taken. 3500 years later, one of them, known as the Red Shantha, began attacking human settlements. The hero of the game is one of the villagers who have survived Red Shantha's attack. Having found the way to master Isho, the hero must rescue his friends and explore the planet, searching for the source of evil.
Alien Logic is based on the Skyrealms of Jorune role-playing system. The player takes control of one character; there is no party in the game. While there is a story to follow, much of the game is open-ended, dedicated to exploring Jorune, sear
Al Qadim: The Genie's Curse features a new and improved interface and game engine. The perspective is that of a slant-overhead view that allows you to guide your character through the adventure. In comparison the view and scrolling are much better than those of Ultima series. The game as based on the AD&D 2nd Edition rules and is enriched by exiting new concepts, spells, and creatures designed especially for this campaign setting. You play a single fighter type character. Swordplay is enhanced to a semi-arcade level with an ability to learn up to three specific combat moves.
Those combat moves become available as you increase in level and find a trainer willing to teach them to you. The bestiary is close to standard but even the classic creatures are tainted with a touch of Arabian exoticism making each and every battle a new
Are You Afraid of the Dark? The Tale of Orpheo's Curse is an adventure game based on Nickelodeon's TV series Are You Afraid Of The Dark?.
In telling its mystery tale, the game features full motion videos and 3D animation, as well as actors from the actual TV series.
In the 24th century, the battle for corporate rights to planets has been organized into a fast-paced, violent battle sport where hovering combat vehicles called Zephyrs race their way to victory in the Interplanetary Battle Circuit.
The Fortress of Dr. Radiaki is a thrilling first-person shooter adventure mixing carnage with a cutting edge sense of humor. You will confront scores of different adversaries, including sword wielding samurai, stealthy ninja warriors, robots with toasters for heads, mutated alligators and more. You must use all your wits to find your way through the cavernous fortress and defeat the Machiavellian designs of the horribly twisted Dr. Radiaki!
The first game in a series of Christmas-themed Jazz Jackrabbit releases.
Jazz Jackrabbit: Holiday Hare 94 is a special shareware release of the first Jazz Jackrabbit title, released in December 1994. This release of the game features a unique christmas-themed level. This Holiday Hare episode was later retroactively added on subsequent prints of the CD-ROM version as Episode X.
Welcome to One Must Fall 2097. This game is an action-fighting game similar to Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat but it has a much more to offer. Once you're into the game, you choose your pilot. Each pilot has different strengths and weaknesses. You may want one that is faster, or that can take a punch or two, or one that just looks good. Each pilot needs a good vehicle, or a robot in this case. You fight other piloted robots. For victory, You gain money, for money, You can buy some upgrades and beat more robots. The economy part of this game is really simple :-), but gives new experience from a simple fighting game.
In the background story of the robot-fighting games are multinational corporations. One such corporation, World Aeronautics and Robotics (WAR), runs the entire show. WAR was started as a research institute to provide human-assisted robots for space travel. Their first prototypes were activated in 2009 and were immediately put to use by a conglomeration of companies from Japanamerica to build the first
Devan Shell, the leader of the turtle terrorists, has kidnapped the beloved rabbit princess, Eva Earlong, and has inhabited the galaxy with his looting goons! Is all hope lost for the galactic rabbits? The fate of planet Carrotus is in the hands of one lone rabbit! It's up to you to rescue Eva Earlong and prevent Devan Shell from financing his maniacal plot of turtle domination by swiping the goods out from under his slimy beak.
Igor, a college student, wants to date the most beautiful girl of his school. Instead he discovers a criminal plot he has to investigate.
The game offers classic 2D point-and-click adventure gameplay. There are actions buttons near the bottom of the screen, as well as an inventory.
D!ZONE is a collection of user created WADs and utilities collected from the internet for Doom, Doom II: Hell On Earth, and other related games. These discs were popular in the early to mid 1990s when household Internet access was slower and not as common as today.
It was released by WizardWorks, Inc.