Use your skills to choose the correct path by modifying the direction of the arrows and/or their position, in a minimalistic puzzle game where your logical thinking will be challenged.
Loppi Puzzle Magazine: Kangaeru Puzzle Soukangou is a Puzzle game, developed by Game Studio and published by Success, which was released in Japan in 2001.
Two cubes found themselves in a bit of a pickle. They've woken up in an abandoned crate factory! Worst yet, they no longer have each other's embrace! Can you help them reunite and get home?
Play the classic Hangaroo game and figure out the words and phrases by guessing the letters! Try to guess the phrase without failing four times! Or else the friendly kangaroo will be hanged mercilessly!
If you love jigsaw puzzles, this is the right place to solve a dozen of amazing puzzles! Puzzle Collection: Complete Edition is 66 beautiful puzzles you can solve on the go! Don’t miss this perfect collection of puzzles!
ZTetris is the classic TI calculator clone of the popular Tetris game that everybody has played, and that has been made for all kinds of gaming platforms. The original game was programmed in assembly by Jimmy Mardell for the TI-85 and executed via ZShell, but the game has since been ported to every TI graphing calculator by other members of the community.
The game has an impressive list of features, including two-player linkplay (which even works between every TI graphing calculator), 21 levels, top 3 high scores saved with names, 16 different alternating background patterns, trash lines, and even a teacher key.
Planisphere is a relaxing sandbox puzzle game about discovering and creating constellations.
Place stars and connect them to discover the stories of constellations or build your own.