Embark on a daring mission in Benjamin's Revenge, a retro-style puzzle platformer set in the year 2060. As Benjamin, you must navigate through a high-security facility filled with traps and intricate puzzles. Sneak past surveillance cameras, hack security systems, and outsmart your enemies to hijack the top-secret lab and uncover its hidden mysteries. Can you unravel the truth before it's too late? The fate of the future rests in your hands.
Maguro Macho Adventure is a platform game that is forced to move.
Maguro Macho has to keep running to beat the stage and get oxygen.
All stages are 5 stages.
A 2D platformer, now on the Plus/4. Guide the Giana Sisters (Giana and Maria) through the levels, collecting diamonds and powerups, avoiding or killing enemies.
Save Dynacat's home from the incoming army of robots in this fast-paced 3D platforming adventure. Dash to the goal, find all the secrets, defeat enemies and earn points by doing it all in style!
Soar to freedom in Feathered Escape, a platformer where you, as a trapped bird, navigate challenging environments, overcoming obstacles and adversaries to reclaim the open skies.
Features 2 characterful games with beautifully illustrated visual aesthetics bursting with vibrant and approachable graphics. Both titles have a wide variety of puzzles and platforming adventures, as well as challenging levels, collectibles, and additional game modes.
The Dinner Heist is a hard platformer game where you play as a rat who has gotten down on hard times. It is your job to help him steal a meal from this prestige factory that creates food.
Developed By TapeTracker
Step into the intensity, mystery and ultimate footie-pajamas of this costume inspired by one of Sonic's greatest rivals! Embrace the darkness with the Shadow Costume for Sonic!
Planet Sea is a very fun game and it is available for free to play wherever you want. In it, the player participates in a very special mission with the team from Voice of the Oceans and the entire Schürmann Family, to preserve the oceans, recycle plastic waste and keep our country's beaches cleaner.