Star Wars Battlefront: Mobile Squadrons is the fourth installment of the Battlefront series and the first one released exclusively on the cell phone. It was announced on January 2009 and released in the U.S. on April 2, 2009.
AlienXcape is a 3D first-person shooter set in a science fiction world where you were captured during your last raid on the Wymacet horde. Now you must find a way out of your cell and fight your way through three levels.
Zombie Infection (not to be confused with the 3D game of the same name and by the same company) is a 2D shoot 'em up game for Java ME mobile phones and Android created by Gameloft in late 2008. The game had a sequel named Zombie Infection 2 and a 3D version made for iOS which is similar to Resident Evil 5. The game can be played on emulators for Java games. It was re-released in the late 2010s as part of the Gameloft Classics series of compilations of old Gameloft Java games.
Gulman 3D is a Russian Third-Face Shooter game developed and published by and Svyatoslav Gundyaev back in 2008. The game is known for being one of the worst game of all time.
No Chance is a single-level PWAD for Doom II requiring Boom-compatible source ports that came out in September 2008. It was designed by Death-Destiny and uses the music track "Absence of light" by Symphony X. No Chance gets its name due to its incredibly high level of difficulty.
In 2018, No Chance was included in the Top 25 Missed Cacowards.
Plutonia 2 is a 32-level megawad for The Plutonia Experiment as an unofficial sequel. After being in development since 2000, it was released on December 31, 2008. At the 2009 Cacowards it was declared one of the winners and understandably also received the Mordeth award.
Action Doom 2: Urban Brawl is a computer game released in September 2008 which runs using the ZDoom source port. It was mainly developed by Stephen Browning, with ACS scripting by Mike Watson and James Bauer. It is the prequel to the 2004 total conversion Action Doom, but has a different gameplay style. Whereas the original Action Doom was a sidescrolling shoot 'em up using Doom's first-person perspective, Action Doom 2 instead simulates a beat 'em up.
World Reborn is a GBA Horizontal Shooter that was developed but not released back in the early 2000's. The game was developed by an indie team which then later moved on to developing bigger licensed-franchise projects for publishers.
World Reborn is not like your normal shooter game, as it is also a game with role playing game elements as well. In World Reborn we are introduced to a world where mankind has lost all records of its history, discoveries, and their achievements In this horizontal shooter you will choose your stage and attack back at the enemy. Collect XP from kills and from pick-ups in the stages and rank both yourself and your ship up to increase your combat abilities. 6 powerful pickups that will enhance or change your weapon, give secondary fire, boost your speed and more will be at your disposal. All your progress in this game will be safe through the use of an intricate password save.
The game was released on the internet by the original developers in 2008 and later released in cartridge form by
The baddest guys around have been gathered together in order to save the beautiful planet from the clutches of invaders! Take control of characters such as a pirate, alien, or samurai and unleash aggressive action against the invading mechanical life forms using the most awesome weapons in the galaxy! Team up with another player in multiplayer for co-op action or go solo in single player and shoot for the high score with Omega Five's intense scoring system!
One level for any limit removing port.
The idea for this PWAD came from The main concept is: you should create a level using only two IWAD textures and two IWAD flats.
Two levels for any limit removing port.
The idea for this PWAD came from The main concept is: you should create a level using only two IWAD textures and two IWAD flats.
Duke is headed downtown for a little R & R only to find those alien bastards have taken over the city and are drinking up all the booze in his favorite bar. That dog don't hunt so it's time to kick some alien ass and eliminate the vermin.
Medieval/fantasy episode consisting of five medium to large maps - the sequel to Soul of Evil. Also features new and modified monsters, weapons, and items as well as a story in the vein of SOE unfolding throughout the maps, many custom textures, sounds, and skyboxes. The gameplay is very non-linear and very hard.
Enhanced skins are also available in this edition.
This is considered to be one of Tronyn's best map packs and should last an experienced player over two hours of playtime.