This map is a revamp of the original Flay the Obscene, which was released in 1999. As the title states, the 1st map has been reversed with you starting at the end.
Zombies Ate My Pizza (aka ZAMP), published by R2Games, is a post-apocalyptic action MMO where players shoot down zombie hordes and take out evil alien bosses in order to save their pizza.
The Red Faction Collection includes:
- Red Faction
- Red Faction Guerrilla
- Red Faction Armageddon
- All DLCs
Travel across earth and Mars as you switch between the games, shooting whatever has the bravery to stand against you!
In Titanfall, players fight on a war-torn planet in six-on-six online multiplayer-only matches as mech-style Titans and their pilots. The game's action is fast-paced: as pilots, players can run along walls and link jumps together parkour-style, use a variety of futuristic military weapons, and employ one of three special abilities: cloaking, stimming (increasing speed and health regeneration) and radar pinging; as Titans, players are equipped with more destructive armaments and special protective shields, with no limit to their abilities besides cooldown and reloading.
MAYhem 2013 is an 11-level PWAD for Boom-compatible source ports, created by members of the Doomworld forums in May 2013. It was the second MAYhem event, and led by series founder TheMionicDonut. As well as being made in a month, there was an additional limitation of using only two monster types per map.
You find yourself in a crowded city in the feature. An evil android is on the run and it is your job to hunt him and shoot him down! You only have ten bullets left and he is somewhere in this crowd of people.
First-person shooters and roguelikes have finally tied the knot! Their offspring, Rogue Shooter, tasks you with navigating a space station run amok. Blast aliens and kick robots in the face as you traverse each level; collecting weapons and gaining experience along the way. How far will you go when death lurks around every corner? Will you reach the 100th level and destroy the source of the station's corruption? Probably not, but it's worth a try.
Megawad, based on the results of a four speedmapping contests, held on , with such themes, as winter, thaw, precipices, and ancient civilizations. Maps were finalized some time later (some - very significantly), and several maps were built from scratch. This megawad tells us the fate of the Marine, who was going to celebrate the New Year. Suddenly, however, the monsters changed seasons' offset, and as a result - they stole the winter. We have to go through the mountains, castles and underground crypts, visit the flooded city, a lonely island and even visit the hell's edge before it will be possible to restore the normal course of the seasons. But monsters were prepared for that as well - and with the return of winter, they prepared some unpleasant surprises...
What do you do when hordes of deranged mutants descend upon you with the express purpose of eating your flesh? Bash 'em in the head. That seems to work. We're going to make you an offer you can't refuse: Typing of the Dead: Overkill, Silver Screen Lexicon Pack. It's the stuff that dreams are made of, so what are you waiting for my precious?
Those alien scum have once again ruined Duke's vacation, and it's up to him to fight his way across the beach-covered bay towards the dam to deactivate the portal that they're using to transport to Earth. The map is more original than the plot.
NOVA: The Birth is a limit-removing megawad released in 2014. It was made by members of the Doomworld community who were new or inexperienced with mapping at the time.
An evil race known as the Guardians is taking over the universe, ravaging planets, and killing all peaceful life forms. You are the galaxy's only hope for salvation. As an elite pilot serving in the ARC Squadron, you are tasked to take on the Guardians in head-to-head combat and bring down their empire.
With simple one-touch controls, you can shoot, blast, and annihilate enemy forces to hunt down each of the nine Guardian lords and destroy them once and for all. The ultimate battle for the galaxy is nigh. Are you on board?
Stomper was a once unfinished megawad for Doom II, created by Pawel Zarczynski (NMN). A year later, Przemek Zimny (alterworldruler), began working on a finished version of the megawad with NMN's permission and barring 1 map was able to do so.
Roses are red, violets are blue, mutants are ugly, so what do we do? Well, this time players will need to type increasingly more overblown and contrived sweet nothings in order to repel hordes of amorous mutants queuing up to give them a love bite they'll never forget.
Far Cry Classic is the ultimate console version of the very first Far Cry game, bringing you back to the roots of this franchise. It's another beautiful day in tropical paradise...or is it? Take the role of charter boat captain, Jack Carver, who finds himself hunted by an unrelenting team of highly trained mercenaries in this nature-gone-wrong FPS adventure. Choose to rely on firepower, strategy or stealth, abuse your freedom into massive outdoor environments, and fight for your life against tactically intelligent enemies. Features stunningly realistic foliage, real-time day and night cycles, drivable underwater, commandeer, or even flying vehicles, and more...
Nitroglycerin picks up where Quantum Physics left off. Duke exits the EDF Base by riding an elevator back to street level. In the North of the once popular holiday destination of Seaside city the industrial zone is dark and mostly disused. The EDF have learned that the alien invasion stems from a ship that was crash landed near the old city hall, these aliens weren't meant to invade, they were merely a scouting party, but when they crashed they deployed troops to find parts to repair their ship. The problem is that if the scouting party fix that ship, there are bound to be other aliens waiting to hear from them and if they hear Duke Nukem is around, they will probably all descend on the planet and cause a war.