Left Alive is a brand-new survival action shooter released on the PlayStation4 computer entertainment system and STEAM in 2019.
Veteran developers, Toshifumi Nabeshima (director, Armored Core series), Yoji Shinkawa (character designer, METAL GEAR series), and Takayuki Yanase (mech designer, Ghost in the Shell: Arise, Mobile Suit Gundam 00, Xenoblade Chronicles X) join forces to create LEFT ALIVE’s dark and gritty world.
The Wayfarer is not your grandparents' Heretic. It includes a built-in gameplay mod that rebalances the game in ways that are mostly subtle but make the game a lot more engaging to play. Many enemy attacks are more dangerous, and most of the player's weapons are more powerful, allowing certain weapons to have more useful combat niches and eliminating the grindiness associated with vanilla Heretic's weapon/monster balance. The episode also features two new standard enemies, two new artifacts, a new weapon, plenty of custom decorations and textures, and more.
Honor and Duty: D-Day is an online PVP shooter set during the D-Day invasion of World War II. Players compete in Team Death Match, Domination, and Free For All matches or in a separate Battle Royale mode. Online games put 32 players in a fast paced environment which also includes vehicle combat.
A last ditch effort to destroy what was once to be our savior. A final mission to eliminate a disastrous future. A single ship against Earth’s entire military. The Andraste is the only hope to defeat...the Devil Engine.
A toxic outbreak has been unleashed, mutating the wildlife in the local rivers and lakes! Pair up with your friends in co-op mode and take on the deadly ooze and its disgusting dwellers. Players can clear the swamplands with 16 all-new super-powered weapons - from physics-defying beam guns to homemade revolvers.
A custom Doom 1 level pack released in 2019 that takes over the Episode 4 slot of The Ultimate Doom. Created by various mappers from the Doom modding community, 'Ultimate Doom the Way id Did' is an attempt at replicating the style of the various mappers that contributed to the original Episode 4 of Doom and its difficulty.
This level pack is 9 maps long, and occupies the entirety of Episode 4. No other new maps occupy the first 3 episodes, and this can be seen as an expansion to 'Doom the Way id Did', released in 2011.
- The Deluxe Edition includes additional weapons, outfits, and vehicle skins to help you survive a new dangerous frontier.
- Fight to survive in a post-apocalyptic world as you take up arms to fight alongside a friend in online co-op.
- Lead the fight against the highwaymen and their ruthless leaders, the Twins.
- Build up your home base and recruit specialists to upgrade it as you unlock all-new features.
- Battle your enemies for resources in Hope County and around the country as you venture to new locations.
Stop crime as a super-powered Agent of justice in Crackdown 3's hyper-powered sandbox of mayhem and destruction. Explore the heights of a futuristic city, race through the streets in a transforming vehicle, and use your powerful abilities to stop a ruthless criminal empire. Developed by original creator Dave Jones, Crackdown 3 delivers cooperative mayhem and an all-new multiplayer mode where destruction is your ultimate weapon.
Eviternity is a 32-level megawad for MBF-compatible source ports, created by Joshua O'Sullivan (Dragonfly). It was released on 10 December, 2018, the 25th anniversary of Doom's release, alongside the OTEX texture pack by Ola Björling (ukiro), which the WAD uses exclusively.
Alien Abductee continues on from Nitroglycerin and sees Duke aboard a damaged alien ship, limping its way back to their home planet. Duke was abducted and must find a way back to earth, unfortunately this ship won't turn around and even if it did, it was too badly damaged in the crash to survive the journey or re-entry into earth's atmosphere. As such, the best course of action is to cripple the ship so that it never flies again and find a way back before it's too late, the aliens probably won't treat you very nicely if the ship makes it back to their home world.
An unapologetically brown new map. Hellspawn have overrun UAC's high tech sewage treatment plant. Now feces and piss pour out of the compound at a supernatural rate. It's up to DoomGuy to clear out the facility before the entire world is covered in excrement.
The Joy of Mapping 6: Joy Eternal is a communal mapping session which took place between the 17th and 20th of December 2018. It is the sixth Joy of Mapping session held by James Paddock (Jimmy), and to date, also the last. It is also the largest project coming from the series, with a total of 72 maps.