The world controlled by blade, magic and fist...Fighters of diverse goals and backgrounds gather for battle...Blade Arcus from Shining Battle Arena is a massive 2D fighting game, developed by Studio Saizensen, featuring characters from the Shining series.
One is the first ever AAA Nokia N-Gage fighting title. You will be tested in incredible locations, against well-trained bosses with furious gangs who master different fighting techniques and styles. ONE breaks the boundaries of mobile gaming. Experience amazing 3D fighting with stunning motion-captured animations. This is the first ever mobile game with mocap, and includes real-time multiplayer fighting over bluetooth.
A fledgling television program has been suffering from poor audience approval, and the station that carries the show has informed its producers that they will have to rectify the situation or face inevitable cancellation.
An unorthodox plan is implemented: broadcast a contest pitting various superstars from differing realities in physical combat in order to increase ratings.
A short, cinematic western shooter with wild, fast-paced spray 'n' pray action! Help a sharp-shootin' renegade on a mission to take over the saloon. Shoot first, ask questions never. Clear out anyone daring enough to stand in your way!
Clive Rosfield, the first prince of the Grand Duchy of Rosaria, from FINAL FANTASY XVI joins the tournament!
Experience thrilling swordplay and precision coordinated attacks with Clive's loyal hound, Torgal. Wield powerful and dynamic Eikonic abilities and temporarily transform into the mighty Ifrit. Use your power as the Dominant of Fire to emerge victorious.
- Clive Rosfield as a playable character
Shoot, parry, and slash your way to self-awareness in Longjuice Squeeze, a roguelite fighting game where you get to steal gear from your opponent when you win. Featuring wild art, sick music, rollback netcode, and highly customizable fighters.
Shake the earth. Break the heavens. Make yours the destructive power of the strongest fighters ever to appear in DRAGON BALL!
Box contents:
Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero
Metallic Bookmark
Dragon Ball:Sparking! Zero Exclusive Diorama 264 x 174 mm
Digital Content
Ipseity: Arena is a modern-day take on classic fast paced multiplayer Arena Shooter genre in which players get to choose Ipseities, movement types such as bunny hopping, sliding, or walljumping that players can choose to play as before entering the fragging grounds!
Dr. Robotnik's Badnik Quarrel is an ARENA BRAWLER in which up to eight teams battle against each other with characters from the Sonic The Hedgehog series. Each team is given four 'emeralds' that represent badniks that will fight in an arena during each round.
You must win rounds to score points for your team, which are used to purchase upgrades or randomize your badniks so that they have higher strength or health stats, and sometimes gain special fighting abilities that give them a distinct advantage over other monsters in the arena. There are also special mini games between rounds where players on each team must fight each other.