Use the LEFT & RIGHT arrow keys on your keyboard to direct
Sonic in the direction of the rings. Try to collect at least 70 to
enter the competition. Avoid Mines as these will slow you down
and reset your score to O. Good Luck!
Is an online Flash game published on the 4Kids TV website by 4Kids Entertainment in 2008 to promote the then-airing anime series, Sonic X.
The objective of the game is to score as many points within sixty seconds by clicking objects that move from the bottom of the game screen to the top. The player will earn one point for clicking on a Ring, five points for clicking on the Master Emerald and lose ten points for clicking on Dr. Eggman in his Egg Mobile.
Is an online Flash game released in 2008 to promote Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood. The game was featured on the Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood's official websites before they were shut down.
The player controls Sonic, who can interact with the characters and the environment in order to read character bios, trailers, story tidbits, etc. In this game, Sonic will automatically follow the cursor. which is a virtual Nintendo DS stylus for the mouse. Sonic can also collect Rings in order to unlock hidden media, and is able to visit Green Hill Zone and Voxai Colony Beta. The game has 75 Rings in total hidden around the two environments (some of which are hidden behind scenery in the areas). Obtaining enough Rings will grant the player two wallpapers as rewards, as well as a set of icons that are granted when all the Rings are collected.
Sonic X Bowling is an online Flash game published on the 4Kids TV website by 4Kids Entertainment on 11 June 2005 to promote the then-airing anime series, Sonic X. It is a simple Sonic X-themed game of bowling.
The game is based around the traditional ten-pin bowling game. Here, the player assumes control of Sonic on a bowling lane with ten bowling pins at the end. The player can send Sonic down the bowling lane as a curled-up ball so he can knock down the pins like an actual bowling ball. When having to roll Sonic, he will spin in one place while a blue arrow automatically swings left and right in front of him. When Sonic is then thrown, he will head in the direction that the arrow was pointing in at the time of the throw, before making a small turn in the opposite direction. How Sonic is aimed will determine the number of pins knocked down.
Loosely based on the cult episode "The Trouble With Tribbles" from the original Star Trek series you are a tribbles farmer and have to guide a batch of your newly bred critters to safety.
Immerse yourself in the fast-paced world of Gemz, where your shield stands as the last line of defense against advancing gemstones. Use precise control to block and smash gems, collecting powerups, coins, and facing off against mini-bosses along the way. As time ticks away, the gems intensify in speed, testing your reflexes and strategic thinking. Combine powerups for ultimate survival as you strive for the highest score and become the ultimate Gemz master!