Angry Brainless Bovines is a simple 'collect the objects' game, in which the player is tasked with collecting pints of milk from a field. It is set up as a simple maze with hedges as walls. The only problem: it has angry cows in it. They also do not take kindly to people in their field and so will attack you whenever possible. Players can use their Xbox 360 Avatar as their character within the game. There is also support for up to four players in competitive gameplay, in which they compete to see who can get the most milk. Co-op can be played on either a single 360 console, or over Xbox Live.
Soap Opera Dash is a spin-off dash game starring Rosie the Regular whom was previously the basic customer of Diner Dash.
Each episode is divided into a few scenes, and actors of a particular scene will appear at the chairs accordingly. Actors will need to read the script and move to stations to get their hair and makeup done, along with a change of costume. When all the necessary steps are done, they will be ready on the set for their shoot. However, their needs must be tended to quickly since their mood (indicated by the number of hearts) will fade and will affect the quality of the scene. Players will run a risk of losing a scene if one of the required actors left with a bad mood on set.
MTV Jersey Shore is a Facebook RPG based on the popular and controversial reality television series set in Seaside Heights, New Jersey. The game has you play as different cast members such as Snooki, the Situation, and more. The game is an online arcade-style turn-based combat, but players can also undertake a variety of activities reminiscent of the show, such as hitting the gym, tanning, doing laundry, shopping and partying, allowing them to earn coins and XP.
ZombieSmash HD is a survival comedy game, featuring undead-themed castle defense and entertaining, physics-based gameplay. The game casts players as Joey, a lone survivor pit against a herd of writhing, unrelenting zombies. To defeat the undead masses, players must use their fingers to flick and smash them until they’re un-undead.
The best party game on Android for 1-4 players!
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1. Control a wacky looking tenor.
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Tabletop game tailored for tablets and phones.
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AVGN: Game Over, or the mockery of several classics through bad puns and foul language. It’s a platformer that has your character jumping, punching and cursing every time he scrapes his knee.
On the fence between being amusing and downright inappropriate
From a graphics standpoint, AVGN: Game Over can’t be argued with because it is a fan-made game that aims to be anything but serious, but seriously offensive. It uses a retro look with old’school gameplay that work well together and with the rest of the game concept.
In every level you’ll be punching goombas, Kirbys and a whole lot of characters from popular platformers and not only. In the standalone games, some of the future punching bags are evil characters, others are heroes but in AVGN: Game Over they are all categorically victims.
The game pushes forward a sense of useless violence that is backed up by a good deal of verbal abuse that just isn’t right. At times cursing a bit can be funny but I’m not sure that this game has that thought in mind.
Includes Cutie Q, Galaxian, Pac-Man, Rally-X, King & Balloon, New Rally-X, Bosconian, Galaga, Dig Dug, Super Pac-Man, Xevious, Mappy, Pac & Pal, Gaplus, Grobda, Motos, Dig Dug II and Pac-Mania, as well as five remade "remix" versions of Rally-X, Galaga, Grobda, Motos, Gator Panic and Pac 'n Roll.