Paranormal Syndrome is a psychological horror game created with RPG Maker 2000 by Yuuyami no Kisetsu (Season of Twilight) and translated by Tosiaki7. The story involves around four paranormal syndromes, each of them representing a Japanese urban legend such as: Hitori Kakurenbo (One man hide and seek), Kune-kune, Saru Yume (Monkey dream), Noh Mask.
Thalia James, member of the Earth Anti-Encroachment League for over twenty years, has contracted a bizarre disorder during an inspection of a distant planet. Now it seems that danger is always two steps behind her as she continues what she once considered a relatively mundane job. It seems as if there is something rotten in the state of the Milky Way...
A first-person exploration adventure game by Stephen Lavelle (increpare). Guided by a service dog, players enter a world of strange lights and meet its troubled inhabitants.
Final Fantasy Legends: Toki no Suisho (Final Fantasy Legends: The Space-Time Crystal) is a free-to-play iOS and Android game from Square Enix. It is a role-playing game with a time travel theme.
《少女理论及其周边 -École de Paris-》是日本美少女游戏资深大厂Navel制作的超人气女装作品《近月少女的礼仪》的续作。讲述了前作主人公大藏游星为了陪同自己的妹妹里想奈前往巴黎留学而再次扮演小仓朝日成为女仆所展开的全新故事。本作曾在美少女游戏大赏荣获综合第3,剧本第1,作画第5等诸多奖项。