Your vision clears as you gently land in an endless landscape. There is the wind, a bleak and chill thing. And there is your sense of uncertainty: You don't know which way to go. Or, maybe, which way you went.
Pull yourself together, Ainsley. Just one more rehearsal until the big day, assuming nothing catastrophic happens. But really, all you have to do is get your motley crew of actors to run their parts once through from beginning to end. How hard can it be?
The Baron's daughter is missing, and you are the man to find her. No problem. With your inexhaustible arsenal of hard-boiled similes, there is nothing you can't handle.
MUTATION is a game of time and space. It is a rotting tomb filled with unpleasant sights. You will despise your body as you change into something you don’t quite understand. It is misery, it is alienation, it is MUTATION.
You are in your car, with a gun in your pocket, going back and forth with yourself about whether you should get moving immediately, or take some time to think about your situation. Some of the wording, and the fact that the game is subtitled "an interactive heist", make it not unreasonable to infer that you are gearing up for a robbery. A piece of interactive fiction written by Ryan Veeder.
GAME OVER, MAN! The Xenomorph, the ultimate killing machine, returns. Only the Universe's toughest, the Colonial Marines, can exterminate the galaxy's most feared species. Can you fight off the terror of the alien infestation?
-Choose you squad and watch the dynamic story system adapt
-Pick up where the Aliens crew left off and fight through the U.S.S. Sulaco, planet LV-426, and more!
-Load up with iconic weapons from the film, including pulse rifles, smart guns, and flamethrowers.
Me is an English Yume Nikki fangame created by Isasapiens. Me was remade at an unknown date, converted from RPG Maker 2003 to RPG Maker VX Ace.
Me's atmosphere seems to draw inspiration from older fangames such as .flow, Yume 2kki and Hallucigenia in terms of its mixture of dark, visceral imagery and colorful, surreal imagery. In further reference to the title's multilingual definitions, motifs of eyes and sprouts are noticeable throughout the game.
The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Anniversary Edition is a special commemorative version of the 2003 Game Boy Advance release, The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past & Four Swords. In it, you'll embark on an exciting multiplayer adventure filled with action and puzzles as you work to save Princess Zelda from the evil Vaati. You can play with up to four friends at once, as long as each player has a copy of the game installed on their Nintendo 3DS system.
You start off as Doro, who goes to explore a cave with his girlfriend Femme. A bit later you switch to a nameless girl commonly referred to as "Minotaur", possibly because she has horns. Minotaur is trapped in a cave and obtains an axe at the beginning of her journey, just like Doro. Your goal is to escape the cave you're stuck in.
Once upon a time, deep within the heart of a kingdom, a charming prince was cursed by a scorned enchantress. Entangled within her wicked spell, he lay dying until a fair maiden's love revealed the beauty within the beast. However, their happily ever after was not destined to last. Journey across magical lands, seek the help of fantastical friends, and overcome all obstacles to find the beauty within the beast in Mystery Legends: Beauty and the Beast!
Titan: XCIX is a first person adventure that takes place aboard the ill fated star ship of the same name. When an accident rips apart a lone ship on a routine mission, the crew find themselves fighting for survival and each other in a unique Single Player experience that's been in the making for the past two years.
Frogger Decades is a Frogger game developed by Revolutionary Concepts and Tangible Games and published by Konami for IOS in 2011. The game was made for the 30th anniversary of the Frogger series.
Bizzare is a Yume Nikki fangame. You wander around as a strange unnamed shadow character. According to the creator, there are many ways to go, but you can't go back. There are many ways to die in the game, with some of the deaths affecting the story.