Graduation is a Japanese anime "life-sim" game published in America by Mixx Entertainment, the company that would later become Tokyopop. This was said to be "The First Anime Game to hit American Shores". You take the role of a homeroom teacher who is given the responsibility of teaching five girls for their last year of high school in the hopes of making them better people. You determine their class schedules, do guidance counseling, interfere with their weekend plans, and occasionally take to the streets to make sure they're not getting into trouble. Each of the girls has their own individual personality and problems, and the choices you make will determine whether they graduate from high school, what they do with their lives afterward, and whether or not they wind up hating your guts. Get them all into top colleges and your boss will praise your genius. If they all flunk or wind up wanting to marry you, you'll obviously be fired.
Jetfighter V: Homeland Protector is a combat flight simulator video game developed by Polish studio Interactive Vision and published by Global Star Software in 2003.
Hoyle Classic Games is the fifth in the Hoyle series of licensed computer game simulations of popular non-electronic games. This volume is a collection of card games (Draw Poker, Bridge, Cribbage, Gin Rummy, Hearts, Solitaire, Old Maid, and Crazy 8's) and board games (Backgammon, and Checkers). There are different opponents to compete against and they can be selected from a list of business, animated, or icons pictures. Each opponent has a bio and a different skill level (beginner, average, or expert). Some games are single-player, while others are played by two or four players.