A spiritual successor and quasi-sequel to Nippon Ichi's Marl Kingdom series, which takes place several hundred years after the events depicted in Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure and its sequels. Though the game's development was outsourced and Nippon Ichi only served as its publisher, it retains a very similar visual style to its prequels, and also features songs by longtime Nippon Ichi composer Tenpei Sato, who wrote the musical numbers that the Marl Kingdom series was well known for.
The game's story follows Miabelle, a young girl who lives in the eponymous kingdom of Antiphona. When the game begins, Miabelle's beloved older sister Lily, an accomplished singer, has just been given the honour of serving as Song Princess at a great festival held in the kingdom once every three hundred years. But just before the festival starts, Lily's voice is stolen by the devious Aulos. Summoning her courage, Miabelle sets off on a quest with her puppets and companions to restore her sister's voice, and save the kingdom from peril
Neorude is a RPG title developed by TechnoSoft in 1997. The gameplay utilizes an RPG style where the player uses a cursor to point characters to move or take action rather than giving out direct commands; in this case Neorude took great advantage of the PlayStation Mouse.
"The massively popular anime series "Tokyo Ghoul" has been made into a smartphone game!
Create teams of your favorite characters and join the battle of "Ghoul" vs. "Human"!"
Discover a world forged by players, where your choices write the story. From seasoned Mage to ambitious Warrior, from adventurous Treasure Hunter to skilled Blacksmith, choose your path and experience Legends of Aria on your own terms.
Kritika: Reboot is a hyper-stylized, anime brawler game featuring over-the-top action with giant blades, superguns, and dazzling acrobatics. Fight with friends or rampage solo through hordes of enemies and super-sized bosses in an epic fantasy world.
The Cat in the Hijab is a short-form point and click game that briefly explores the topics of diversity, inclusiveness, tolerance, racism, bigotry, sexism, Islamophobia, and homophobia.
"Sangokushi Eiketsuden" was released in 1995.
This game is a simulation RPG in which players become Liu Bei and battle for the restoration of the Han Imperial court. The game progresses around the battle map. Players fulfill the victory conditions of each battle as they go from battlefield to battlefield to advance the story.
When a young and upcoming games designer has the bright idea to create a JRPG of his very own, he suddenly finds himself in the JRPG that he set out to create! Though he soon realises that things aren't quite as straight-forward as they seem...
‘‘DARK EDEN ORIGIN’ is online MMPRPG game which is dealing with an endless battle between the human and the vampire at a highly developed industry society in the future.
After the whole world has gone to sleep by the extinction of civilization, only two races has woken up. Enjoy the brutal battle between them. A way to the victory is in your hand.
Dead Maze is a 2D MMO game set in a destroyed contemporary world, filled with zombies. Explore the world, scavenge and craft as many items as possible, to survive the hostile environment and upgrade your gear and camp as you go.
“Apocalypse Knights” is an Action Game. It’s up to you, the heroic knight, to take back lands tainted with darkness. You shall save the world with blessed weapons, armors, ultimate skills, and holy horses. Come, your destiny awaits!
Questron II a 1988 role-playing video game published by Strategic Simulations for the Apple II, Apple IIGS, Atari ST, Commodore 64, IBM PC, and Amiga. It is the sequel to 1984's Questron. Questron II is credited to Westwood Associates in the instruction booklet for the IBM PC version.
Medarot 3 was released in 2000 for the Game Boy Color. It was released in two versions: Kabuto and Kuwagata.
The game follows Ikki Tenryou and his friends in the town of Omikuji. After Ikki robottles with the Screws, everyone's Medarotch data is suddenly deleted by an unknown figure.
Medarot 3 introduced various new gameplay aspects, including Medachange and Medalias.