A fantasy role-playing game following a group of four companions journeying to a series of elemental crystals in hopes of returning balance to the world. Originally conceived as a sequel to Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light, the game kept some elements from the Final Fantasy series.
Medarot 8 is the eighth main installment in the Medarot series.
The game features a new cast of characters and over 200 Medarots to collect. Like previous games, it was released in Kabuto and Kuwagata versions where the player starts with Metabee or Rokusho, respectively.
The story follows a new protagonist named Salt and his adventures as part of the Laurel Detective Bureau, which investigates Medarot-related crimes.
Eternal Legacy is a role-playing game developed by Gameloft. The story is about a rebellion attempting to steal key power stones of a mighty empire, only to be swept into a larger role in saving the world.
Mega Man Legends 3, known as Rockman DASH 3 in Japan, was a video game set to be the sequel to Mega Man Legends 2 and the fourth game in the Mega Man Legends series. It was announced for the Nintendo 3DS on September 29, 2010, during a Nintendo press conference for the 3DS.
The game was to be directed by Masakuza Eguchi, with Tatsuya Kitabayashi acting as producer. Reo Uratani composed the game's music.
Mega Man Legends 3: Prototype Version, known (roughly) as "Rockman DASH 3: The Prologue! Showing you the Game's Underbelly Version" in Japan, was an early version of the game that would be available for download in the Nintendo 3DS's eShop. The prototype would have feature playable segments as Barrett and ten missions. It was originally planned to be available upon the launch of the 3DS eShop on June 6, but it was delayed to be improved. Initially, it was said by Capcom that if the Mega Man Legends 3 Prototype Version does not do well upon its release in the eShop, Mega Man Legends 3 may be cancelled, but the Prot
The Ruins of the Lost Kingdom: Chronicle is a Japanese online action game. It is an attempt to combine RoL, its single-player predecessor that had seen no development between 2008 and 2012, and The Ruins of the Lost Kingdom Online, which was worked on instead. They can both be accessed from RoLC, but the two games are still kept separate in the sense that play data from one side does not affect the other.
Tera M is the mobile version of Tera. This game challenges the traditional concept of RPG as the game doesn't have combat support nor healing potions. Players can play in a lot of different play modes, such as pve, pvp, guild siege, etc. Think carefully about the combination between your race and equipment and seek glory from defeating your opponents online!
A Chinese Ghost Story Online Game is a fantasy MMORPG from Chinese developer NetEase. The plot of the game is based on the same-titled classic romantic movie.
Princess Quest is a Japanese video game published in 1998 for the Sega Saturn system. It was subsequently ported to PC under the title Princess Quest R.
Role-playing game that supported the Dreamcast Keyboard.
Up to five people can participate simultaneously in this online RPG. The game can be played offline as well, as any party characters not controlled by players will be controlled by the computer. The adventure begins in the floating island country called Sonia, where demons are about to break free of the seal that keeps them under control.
Moria is a dungeon crawl style role-playing video game first developed for the PLATO system around 1975, with copyright dates listed as 1978 and 1984. It was a pioneering game, allowing parties of up to ten players to travel as a group and message each other, dynamically generating dungeons (instead of pre-computing them), and featuring a wireframe first-person perspective display. One of its authors, Kevet Duncombe, claims not to have read the works of J. R. R. Tolkien or heard of Dungeons & Dragons at the time development started, but he was aware of the PLATO game, dnd.
"Decide the fate of three rival hackers under persecution by an oppressive government in this cyberpunk RPG featuring turn-based mech combat and visual novel storytelling, coming soon from Arcade Distillery."