Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga follows Serf and his four companions as they set out for Nirvana, a land that can only be reached by the champions of Junkyard. A mysterious object awakens demonic powers within the group, allowing each member to transform into a deadly beast. As one of these characters, you can devour your enemies and absorb their powers and special abilities. Defeat opposing tribes by protecting yourself from enemy attacks, deflecting their blows, and performing linked attacks.
Create and destroy on an unimaginable scale... with a space simulator that merges real-time gravity, climate, collision, and material interactions to reveal the beauty of our universe and the fragility of our planet. Includes VR support for HTC Vive, Oculus Rift+Touch, and Windows Mixed Reality.
The Evil Within 2 is the latest evolution of survival horror. Detective Sebastian Castellanos has lost it all. But when given a chance to save his daughter, he must descend once more into the nightmarish world of STEM.
Horrifying threats emerge from every corner as the world twists and warps around him. Will Sebastian face adversity head on with weapons and traps, or sneak through the shadows to survive.
Forget buying expensive golf gear--Mario brings the game to you. Mario Golf features four complete 18-hole courses, 11 golfers, and precise play control. Create your own golfer and build up his or her experience and skill levels by competing in various tournaments and head-to-head matches. The more you play, the stronger and more accurate your golfer becomes. There are many different modes of play in Mario Golf, including a wide variety of minigames designed to challenge even the most level-headed swingers.
In Titanfall, players fight on a war-torn planet in six-on-six online multiplayer-only matches as mech-style Titans and their pilots. The game's action is fast-paced: as pilots, players can run along walls and link jumps together parkour-style, use a variety of futuristic military weapons, and employ one of three special abilities: cloaking, stimming (increasing speed and health regeneration) and radar pinging; as Titans, players are equipped with more destructive armaments and special protective shields, with no limit to their abilities besides cooldown and reloading.
Yakuza 4 is the fourth game in Sega's crime drama series, known as 'Ryu ga Gotoku' in Japan. As a first for the series, the story is split between the viewpoints of four different protagonists.
TAG FORCE is back in the hot third installment featuring cards up to the Crossroads of Chaos Set. Battle against Jaden and his pals including Haou Jaden and Mr. T (Truman), Jessie, Bastion, and even Yubel! Fully animation dueling is a must as well as the return of the Seasonal events and Mail System from the 1st Tag Force Game. TAG FORCE 3 takes you into the world of Duel Academy like never before, and is trip you don't want to miss.
"The game that launched the Mario & Luigi series returns looking better than ever before.
In this renewed classic, Mario and Luigi journey to the Beanbean Kingdom with Bowser to restore Princess Peach’s voice. Control Mario and Luigi simultaneously, making use of their unique Bros. Moves to solve puzzles and emerge victorious in action-packed battles. Pay heed to the enemy’s patterns and time your reactions right to land satisfying counterblows.
Included in this remake is the Minion Quest: The Search for Bowser mode, which tells the story of the game from the perspective of Bowser’s minions. Recruit characters to grow your own Minion army as you fight to locate your missing leader!"
WipEout XL is set in the year 2097, around four decades after its predecessor. Instead of the F3600 anti-gravity racing competition, the game features an even faster and more dangerous tournament: the F5000 AG league. The gameplay system is similar to that of the previous game: players race against each other or computer in high-speed futuristic environments, liberally picking up weapons scattered around the stages and using them against the opponents to finish the race in the highest position.
New Super Mario Bros. Wii is a side-scrolling 2.5D Mario platformer for the Wii and the tenth game in the Super Mario series. In addition to the single-player experience, New Super Mario Bros. Wii also features a multiplayer mode for up to four players. This is the first Super Mario game to feature co-op and vs. modes at the same time since Mario Bros. It features more items, new levels, and more enemies than the DS predecessor. The game introduces two new power-ups, the Propeller Mushroom and the Penguin Suit, which turn characters into their propeller and penguin forms, respectively.
Streets of Rage 4 is an all-new continuation of the iconic arcade brawler series known for its radical fights, jammin’ ‘90s beats and dashing sparring gloves and bandanas.
Gran Turismo 2 is a racing game for the Sony PlayStation and the sequel to Gran Turismo. The game uses two different modes: Arcade Mode and Gran Turismo Mode. In the arcade mode, the player can freely choose vehicles they wish to use, and can enable damage. However, the Gran Turismo Mode requires the player to earn driver's licenses, pay for vehicles, and earn trophies in order to unlock new courses. Gran Turismo 2 features nearly 650 automobiles and 27 racing tracks, including rally tracks. Compared with Gran Turismo, the gameplay, physics and graphics are very similar. The major changes are the vastly expanded number of cars, tracks and races in simulation mode. Other differences include that the player can race events separately, if they don't want to enter the whole tournament. The player is no longer able to "qualify" for each race entered.
Antichamber is a single-player first-person puzzle-platform video game. Many of the puzzles are based on phenomena that occur within the Impossible Objects created by the game engine, such as passages that lead the player to different locations depending on which way they face, and structures that seem otherwise impossible within normal three-dimensional space. The game includes elements of psychological exploration through brief messages of advice to help the player figure out solutions to the puzzles as well as adages for real life.
The Wolf Among Us is a five-episode series from the creators of the 2012 Game of the Year: The Walking Dead. Based on Fables (DC Comics/Vertigo), an award-winning comic book series, it is an often violent, mature and hard-boiled thriller where the characters and creatures of myth, lore and legend are real and exist in our world. As Bigby Wolf - The Big Bad Wolf in human form - you will discover that the brutal, bloody murder of a Fable is just a taste of things to come, in a game series where your every decision can have enormous consequences.
Worms 2 is a turn-based strategy game, with each team moving in a randomly determined sequence across two-dimensional terrain. During a single turn, a team can only move one of its worms. Worms can crawl and jump, as well as swing by ninja-rope, parachute, teleport, and bungee when the appropriate items are available. The objective of a traditional match or campaign mission is to defeat all opposing teams by killing their worms. When hit with a weapon, the worm will lose health depending on the power of the weapon and the directness of the hit. A worm can be killed either by having its health reduced to zero or being knocked into the water around and below the level.
The Oregon Trail is a computer game originally developed by Don Rawitsch, Bill Heinemann, and Paul Dillenberger in 1971 and produced by the Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium (MECC) in 1974. The original game was designed to teach school children about the realities of 19th century pioneer life on the Oregon Trail. The player assumes the role of a wagon leader guiding his or her party of settlers from Independence, Missouri, to Oregon's Willamette Valley on the Oregon Trail via a covered wagon in 1848.
Take control of an interactive mystery novel and discover the secrets of Hotel Dusk. Who is Kyle Hyde- and what really happened in Room 215? Take stylus in hand and navigate a tangled web of lies, betrayal, and murder to learn the answers.
Wario and his pals learn fun, wacky moves after discovering a strange book and a mystical device called the Form Baton. Familiar characters from the WarioWare universe will return to this installment and some new ones will appear. Players must clear fast-paced sets of microgames, changing the way they hold the Wii Remote each time.
Love for Sail! was the first Larry game since the third to pick up immediately where its predecessor left off; typically, it features Larry getting dumped by the woman who represented the ultimate goal of Larry 6, Shamara.
The formula was much the same as the previous games: the "twist" was that Larry was a passenger on a cruise ship populated by parodies of famous people. Among the other cruise guests were "Drew Baringmore" (Drew Barrymore), "Dewmi Moore" (Demi Moore), "Victorian Principles" (Victoria Principal), "Jamie Lee Coitus" (Jamie Lee Curtis), "Nailmi" and "Wydoncha Jugg" (Naomi and Wynonna Judd) and "Annette Boning" (Annette Bening). Various other pop icons were parodied in the background, such as the Archie Comics gang playing nude volleyball, various incarnations of James Bond in the ship's casino (itself an homage to Peter Sellers's famous Casino Royale parody), a Sierra staffer dressed as Sailor Moon, and porn icon Ron Jeremy walking around naked. Most of the male supporting cast (Peter the Purser, J