Ticuto is an immersive and engaging game that transports players through various worlds and dimensions. The game’s theme revolves around time travel and exploration, offering a rich narrative that allows players to journey across different eras and settings. As a blend of adventure, puzzle, and farming genres, Ticuto challenges players with intricate puzzles and quests that require strategic thinking and problem-solving skills, alongside the management and cultivation of virtual farms.
The year is 2416. Humanity as we know it has been mostly forgotten, as strange creatures roam the world and attack anyone they encounter.
The people of the town "Safe Haven" are able to keep these creatures at bay with the help of SPELLs - unique supernatural abilities.
A lot of technology has been lost, although scholars have managed to collect and preserve most major breakthroughs in medicine. Some technology has also been made redundant due to SPELLs.
An epic of never before seen proportions... is what our protagonist 'Ren' is yearning for. Being an undefeated prosecutor for years, he's seen it all.
However, he has not yet given up. Some day, he is certain, he will find the glory he is yearning for. Maybe he'll even put an end to the dark age of the law that's looming on the horizon.
After the trial of Vera Misham, Apollo begins to think about the meaning of being a lawyer. However, life continues, and since this is AA, crazy cases keep happening, and he gets dragged into a complex net of mysteries and conspiracies that have more to do with him than he might have imagined. Can he find the answers he searches for during those trials, or will he go down? One thing is certain, he doesn't fight alone!
November 2027.
For more than a month, Apollo Justice, attorney at law, recently arrived at the Wright Anything Agentcy and has been going around in circles. Not the slightest sign of a case on the horizon... Or so he thinks.