Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Donnie Saves A Princess is a Flash-based browser game released on the Nickelodeon website in April of 2013. Donatello falls asleep while playing video games, and dreams that he goes through several TMNT-ized classic games to rescue "princess" April. At the end of each level, he encounters one of his brothers, dressed up like the princess that fits that level's theme. After he rescues each, they say, "The princess you are looking for is in/on another dungeon/castle/space ship."
18 Cadence is an experiment in interactive narrative, asking players to build something from pieces of story.
There was a house at 18 Cadence Street. It was built in 1900. It burned to the ground in the year 2000. In between, people lived there: soldiers, mothers, bankers, stoners; people with secrets, with chores, with dreams, with regrets, with too much stuff or not enough, with sleepless nights, with laughter and with each other.
In 18 Cadence, you can explore a century of living and assemble your own story from thousands of narrative fragments. Capture one life or juxtapose people from different eras. Slide, position, and recombine details like magnetic poetry. Decide what's worth telling, and what should be left out. What story will you tell?
Complete, create and discredit arguments by selecting propositions and filling in the blanks. It's a puzzle game based on propositional logic, and a graphic adventure all in one - only here you don't so much need to escape the room as prove why you'd even want to.
Warlords: Call to Arms is a fast-paced strategy side-scroller.
Choose your race and command your army through 25 epic battles to conquer the land. Upgrade and buy extra unit types for your army between levels. Upwards of 50 animated soldiers can be fighting on screen at once!
Bravely Default: Praying Brage was a free-to-play web browser game in the Bravely series that started its open beta phase on November 1, 2012. The game is set 200 years after the events of Bravely Default. The game has ended its service as of April 24, 2019.
Dragon Tavern is a simple browser based RPG by Rowdy Baron Games in which you explore the world one action point at a time, and gather gear and skill points.
A flash horror game that can only be played at night.
You wake up in an abadoned hotel and need to find out what happened and how to get out of there alive. Solve puzzles, defeat enemies and follow instructions of a personal call to escape your nightmare and get your deserved Doritos.