The story revolves around Ashley, son of a Lord from the State of Kastol, who recently returned to his home town. While he is with his friends, he receives a message that the neighbouring State of Lumen is under attack from the north by the troops of Genes. He decides to stop Genes and starts his journey to Lumen in order to end the fight and restore peace on the continent.
Cart Fury is a 2000 open wheel-themed racing video game developed by Midway Games based on Championship Auto Racing Teams (CART). Originally released to arcades, a version was also released for the PlayStation 2.
Some of its famous drivers like Juan Pablo Montoya, Michael Andretti and Christian Fittipaldi (Brazil) are included in the game. The game features the voice of Danny Sullivan. Licensed music by Disturbed and Outkast are used as the official soundtrack of this game.
Top Gear: Dare Devil is a game for the Sony PlayStation 2 that involves driving around the cities of Rome, London, Tokyo, and San Francisco.
This game consists of Single player and multiplayer.
In single player, the player drives around one of the four cities, collecting Dare Devil coins. If all Dare Devil coins in a level are collected, the player unlocks a secret car. What also can be collected are keys and wrenches that open up bonus missions. After winning a bonus mission, the player can unlock a paint job for the car used. The player can also free roam around cities.
In multiplayer, there are three game modes:
Lap Racing
Bomb Tag
Coin Grab
Theme Park Roller Coaster aims to deliver a complete amusement park experience. Players can build the coaster of their dreams, and then ride it from a first-person perspective. From that same perspective, you can explore eight environments across four different themes (Lost World, Halloween World, SpaceZone, and Wonder Land), and uncover several hidden mini-games to accompany Theme Park's new physics system and realistic weather effects. As an added bonus, visitors to your creation have brand new features as well: including original skeletal animations and facial expressions that convey their moods. There's even a redesigned interface that was specifically developed for the Dual Shock 2 controller, and an interactive help system to get you well on your way towards building the park you always wanted.
Q-Ball: Billiards Master is a pool player's dream. Players can enjoy realistic gameplay in the most beautiful pool halls in the world, master the techniques used by the pros – including curve shots and position play, Play alone, with friends, or with top ranked professionals, and choose from 10 featured games, plus original options like Billiards and Random Six.
Do you dream of cutting down the net in New Orleans? Now you can experience the thrill of being the National Champ with NCAA? March Madness? 2003 -- the ultimate college basketball experience. From the crazed fans in the stands, to the mascots on the court and the fight songs played in the arenas, NCAA March Madness 2003 captures the spirit, excitement and rivalry that is college basketball.
Rogue Hearts Dungeon is a Role-Playing game, developed and published by Compile Heart, which was released in Japan in 2007. It is a Japanese reimagining of the genre defining computer RPG Rogue.
Summon Night Gran-These: Horobi no Tsurugi to Yakusoku no Kishi is a Role-Playing game, developed by Flight-Plan and published by Bandai Namco Games, which was released in Japan in 2010.
Dragon Sisters is set 100 years after the great war, and the East Asian state is not doing very well. Constant wars and natural disasters have crippled its economy, so they decide to attack the neighboring Empire in hope of kidnapping some scientists and other skilled individuals. As Empire is a peace-loving country, East Asia defeats their forces in just three days. Luckily there are Kiku and Hanna, two highly trained cyborg soldiers with only one objective: to protect Empire and its citizens.
Dragon Sisters is a 3D brawler fighting game for one or two players in the style of Fighting Force or Streets of Rage. The game's ten stages each end with a boss battle. As the game progresses, the characters gain experience by collecting orbs from the fallen enemies. These orbs lets you upgrade the characters' abilities such as speed, power and health. While fighting different types of attacks can be combined to form large combos.
This is the steelbook version of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, official titled Limited Metal Edition. This version of the game is not particularly common, possibly because there is no difference between this and the original release apart for the metal case.
This version of MGS3 came in a special cardboard sleeve, exclusive to HMV stores. The sleeve was also available at a signing event, hand signed by Hideo Kojima and Yoji Shinkawa.
Set in the near future during a period of planetary colonization, Killzone drops you in the middle of a war between the ISA Command and a militaristic separatist faction, the Helghast. As one of four ISA members, your initial objective is to escort a high-ranking official to an evacuation point. You can experience several gameplay modes, including single-player, multiplayer (team-based and competitive), and online play for up to 12 players. Players can equip themselves with an armory of more than 27 different weapons based on modern technology.
Succeeding in the surprisingly competitive PlayStation 2 billiards genre isn't easy, but Q-Ball competes with a wide selection of game options. Seven modes of play are available: straight pool, free play, eight ball, US nine ball, international nine ball, rotation, frozen, plus carrot, random six, and bowlliards. Q-Ball also makes full use of the analog buttons and sticks for you to determine the power and angle of your shots.
With beautiful graphics and precision ball movement, billiards has never been this real! Qball: Billiards Master is a pool player's dream, using the power of the PlayStation 2 to create an unforgettably challenging game.
Play in style with QBall!
Grab the controls and hold on for dear life with the most electrifying, high-speed racing experience available.
Race and wreck in enchanting movie-theme worlds, kick it into overdrive with over 30 super-flying vehicles, and blow away the competition with outrageous weapons in the most electrifying racing experience available!
Previously known as Revolt 2: Pocket Rockets, this RC vehicle racer graces the 128-bit system with all the slick track designs, great weapons balance, and dead-on control that made the PC and Dreamcast versions such a hit. Luckily, developers from Acclaim's Cheltenham Studios have taken full advantage of the PlayStatation 2 hardware--no longer will tracks be confined to suburban neighborhoods and museums. RC Revenge goes all out to deliver the goods with environments like desert islands and villages wrapped nighttime slumber. And the best part of it all? A level editor for the creative gamer is set to keep the replay value on high