Following her graduation from middle school, Konomi Yuzuhara enters the same high school as Takāki Kono, her childhood friend. As the new school year begins, they meet their childhood friend Tamaki Kosaka, as well as many new accquaintances. Unbeknownst to the group, their encounters with each other will soon lead to many memorable adventures.
Adapted from the famous movie by Michel Ocelot and Benedict Galup, Kirikou and the Wild Beasts puts you in the shoes of a hero who must face the dangers hanging over his people. Jump from platform to platform to protect the village from the wild animals of the savannah. But beware, Karaba the witch is never far away…
As the name suggests, this game is a compilation which includes the Sega System 16 and Sega Master System (both Japan and worldwide) versions of SDI: Strategic Defense Initiative and Quartet. In the case of SDI, this marks the first time the game has been brought to the home with the correct dual-joystick control scheme.
Developed by Mere Mortals and published by Oxygen Interactive, this budget PS2 game from 2004 contains five digitized versions of common board games played my kids and families. Games included are Snakes & Ladders (with a fireman theme), Dominoes, Battle Ships (in a bathtub), Ludo (with Ninjas) and Dice.
The game takes place in the fictional location of Ivalice, where the empires of Archadia and Rozarria are waging an endless war. Dalmasca, a small kingdom, is caught between the warring nations. When Dalmasca becomes annexed by Archadia, its princess, Ashe, creates a resistance movement. During the struggle, she meets Vaan, a young adventurer who dreams of commanding an airship. They are quickly joined by a band of allies; together, they rally against the tyranny of the Archadian Empire.
In this new version of XII, there are 12 different layouts of the license board based on different jobs you can give the characters, opening up a whole new level of complexity to add to the epic show-stopper. Other goodies include a 16:9 view mode that enables widescreen viewing and a new bonus DVD.
Que Pasa Neng is a game based off a character created by Spanish comedian Edu Soto, Neng de Castefa, in which he parodies the urban tribe of Bakalas and Canis. The gameplay consists of 5 mini-games in which you must pass the same test 3 times before advancing to the next mini-game.
In addition to including features from the previous game, PS2 gamers will now have the opportunity to participate in exciting head-to-head DDR online competitions for the first time ever. The 100 top scorers will be recognized through an interactive ranking system, letting novice players test their dancing mettle against top-notch DDR experts. Players can also go online to access new challenge missions which will be refreshed periodically, allowing players a way to continually expand the DDR gaming experience. Whether players are looking to dance to the hottest tracks in town, choreograph, edit and create their own dance steps, or use the 'Work Out' mode to burn off excess pounds, DDR STR!KE will offer players of all ages an interactive and fun way to get up and groove. The game's support for the EyeToy Camera continues to add depth and dimension to the gameplay. While using the camera, players can access fast-paced mini games and use both their hands and feet while dancing and watching themselves on TV. Keeping pl
A visual novel based on the popular yuri manga Kashimashi. The game operates as a side story to the events of the manga, and covers protagonist Hazumu's first summer vacation following the freak accident that saw them transform from a boy into a girl. As Hazumu, the player has the chance to build friendships with various characters from the manga, as well as newcomers like Haneru, a childhood friend of Hazumu's, and Kakeno, the daughter of the inn where the characters spend the summer..
Bomba Patch is a modification to Pro Evolution Soccer 6 for the PlayStation 2 which adds Brazilian Soccer teams and Portuguese voice overs.
Since 2007, the mod uses the slogan "100% updated" by getting physical/digitally updates quickly.
Gallop Racer Inbreed is a Sports game, developed and published by Tecmo, which was released in Japan in 2006. It is a bundle of Gallop Racer 7 & 8 (NA: Gallop Racer 2004 & 2006 respectively).