In the distant future, a plague of parasitic monsters is sweeping across the known universe; devouring all the resources in its path -- including the distant outposts humanity calls home. The only chance for mankind's survival is a top-secret starship class known as Silpheed and the hyper-skilled pilots at the controls. And so begins the premise of Silpheed: The Lost Planet, a co-development shooting project between Game Arts and Treasure that remakes the early '90s PC shooter of the same name. Features include a large variety of enemy types, multiple weapon upgrades, and polygonal graphics. As an added bonus, Working Designs has removed the slowdown and added analog control for the American version of the game.
Prepare for sound. Prepare for music. Prepare to generate. Whether you're a superstar DJ or just starting out, MTV Music Generator 2 is all you need to create killer tunes in minutes. From the makers of MTV Music Generator, it's music creation of PlayStation 2. It's easy. It's awesome.
A happy meal demo disc for the PlayStation 2 with Parappa the Rapper 2 and Ape Escape 2001, with McDonalds themes and bonuses.
Contains the first level of PaRappa the Rapper 2 which was changed to resemble a McDonald's restaurant.
This stand-alone expansion to Armored Core 2 includes 100 new missions based five years after the events in AC2. Once again your task is to complete a range of tasks (from destroying enemy mechs to seeking out bases and carriers), and each mission comes with a reward. The money raised goes to upgrading your mech for the bigger battles down the line.
2 player split screen is supported for dog fighting action.
A-Ressha de Ikou 2001 is a second version of the sixth part of the A-Train series. This is a train management simulation on Playstation 2 that gives you the controls of a train company. It's up to you to make the right decisions to grow your business and put it at the top of the industry.
More than two years in the making, Gran Turismo 3 A-spec features over 150 detailed cars -- each composed of more than 4,000 polygons -- 60 beginner, amateur and professional championship races, as well as ten endurance races and ten rally races. In addition to all-new special effects, such as sun glare, heat distortion and reflections, Gran Turismo 3 A-spec also offers up a soundtrack of more than 20 licensed tracks, and an even better replay mode with TV-style camera views. Two players can go head-to-head via split-screen and up to six can duke it out by linking multiple systems together via i.LINK. Released worldwide in 2001, Gran Turismo 3 a-Spec was designed by Polyphony Digital.
Plastro, the nefarious leader of the Tan Army, has enlisted the help of the villainous Baron Von Beige to help him set a trap for Captain Blade!
The Alpha Wolf Squadron once again 'takes to the skies' with an onslaught of new missions, improved helicopters, and more pyrotechnic weaponry than ever before. Join the Air Cavalry as they face a host of challenging foes in their efforts to stop the General's evil plans.
Rumble Racing is muscle car mayhem for the next millennium. Race outside the lines and push custom cars to the limit with big air stunts and nasty tricks as you race for the Rumble Championship. Unlock new worlds and new tracks with each Gold Cup victory, racing alone or partnering up with a friend.
Jar Jar throws his Bongo racing ride into warp speed with his very own exciting big-headed kart racer Star Wars: Super Bombad Racing! Everybody from Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace has put their intergalactic troubles aside to enter into a wild racing adventure -- Queen Amidala, Anakin, Yoda, Obi-Wan, Sebulba, Bos Nass, Sebulba, and even Darth Maul are all out for that checkered flag. Each racer gets to ride special racing vehicles (a Pod Racer, a Sith Interceptor, a Naboo Fighter), and with the different vehicles comes individually geared racing controls.
Once the green light flashes, it’s a crazy dash for the finish across famous STAR WARS locations, with flying missiles and colorful power-ups blasting all over the map. Get mad air off jumps and crack open secret locations to find all of the game’s hidden special features. All this action explodes off the screen with incredible special effects and dazzling graphics from the force of the PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system. Meesa can’t wait
Heroes of Might and Magic: Quest for the Dragon Bone Staff is a 2001 video game released on the PlayStation 2. Though 3DO did not advertise it as such, the game is an enhanced remake of King's Bounty.
Unlike the previous works, this play is set from high school to junior high school, and the player becomes a third-year male student of Misora Junior High School, and the play period is one year until junior high school graduation.
beatmania Da Da Da!! is a console adaptation of the PC rhythm typing tutor beatmania Da!!, which combines a typing tutor with the rhythm gameplay of Konami's popular beatmania series. As in regular beatmania, notes descend from the top of the screen toward a bar, timed to cross the bar in time with elements of the music. Each note has a letter above it, which must be typed on the keyboard at the proper time to play the music. At certain points in each song, notes with phrases will appear, and the full phrase must be typed before the note reaches the bar in order to play it. This version includes a total of 26 songs, and comes packaged with a USB keyboard.