During the summer of 2001 Tatsuo Oka Yuutarou, a young student is chasing a woman that was running in the evening in Tokyo. Now just to catch the moment, a sudden flash of light is emitted, and Tatsuo was slipping into the Edo times. He lost his memory, and during that game he will start to recover his memory.
Partially based on a little-known anime television series by Triangle Staff that aired in 1997. It is a fantasy role-playing game where the player takes the role of a mermaid trying to find the secrets of her race.
The game uses a turn-based fighting system with special moves and attacks. The blocky graphics were typical for a PlayStation title of the era.
Speed Racer is an arcade type game that resembles the Sega Saturn's Daytona USA. The first track is identical, except for the lack of a pit lane, the Sonic sculpture in a wall and the different sponsor banners. The major difference between the two games is the performance of the car and the fact that the player can use all the gadgets of the anime Mach 5. The gadgets can be used to "shunt" other cars (even with the Cutter, the cars only bounce and there is no damage in the game), take shortcuts (by cutting trees and passing under lakes), etc. The controls are simple and the player switches over the gadgets and the camera views. The player can choose the length of the race in the menu, along basic sound options.
Kitchen Panic is a whimsical 2D platformer starring a potato. An army of cans and other foodstuffs have taken over the kitchen, and Potato must stop them! Each sprawling level is designed for both exploration and speed, as in each stage there are ten kettles of special sauce hidden around, but the game also keeps track of your fastest time on each stage.
Potato has a unique special ability to aid him: he can spin in mid-air like a certain hedgehog, and use the force to launch himself further and faster than he can run. A forward spin will launch him forward, and a backspin will launch him straight upward. This greatly aids in exploration of each stage, allowing for very long or high jumps. There are also a number of power-ups to be found, including Ice Potato and Rocket Potato.
The game is made up of a number of zones, each with six stages. At the end of each zone, Potato must face off against a food-themed boss enemy, such as a stack of plates or a giant ice cream cone.
In this final entry of the Pocket Digimon sub-series, you can interact with Culumon, that little Digimon from Digimon Tamers anime series. Unlike in the previous Pocket Digimon games, you can only get Culumon to your PocketStation. Also, Culumon can not evole at all.
In Tokyo Dungeon the player takes the role of a detective in the year 2020 that will have to solve a mystery plot and to do that he will have to go into the Tokyo cyberspace. There he will interact with a lot of different characters and solve different kind of puzzle to advance in the game.
Tokimemo Private Collection is a quiz game released in 1996. Alongside the quiz section in which you are asked questions by one of the students, it features a gallery including animated pictures of the series' stars complete with blushing cheeks and speech, a media section where you can watch the PC Engine intro plus an audio section where you can hear the Tokimeki tunes to practice for karaoke.
Tokimeki no Houkago is a spin-off game of the original Tokimeki Memorial. It was released for PlayStation on July 16, 1998 (was labeled by PSOne Books on September 18, 2003) and the PlayStation Network on February 24, 2010 in Japan.
Little Lovers: She So Game is a board game style spin-off to the Little Lovers franchise where a group of four players compete to win the affection of one of six high school girls over the course of three in-game years.