Long ago, during the Heian period, there was a village where humans and ghosts coexisted peacefully. Created by a ghost who wanted to end the animosity between them, it existed, isolated, for more than 250 years. One day, however, the village was attacked from the outside and completely destroyed. A young boy living in the village, Shiroumaru, and his friends, Gedoumaru and Saki, managed to escape with their lives. Now, eight years later, they are setting off together on a quest to bring peace to the land.
Oni Zero: Fukkatsu is traditional Japaneses turn-based RPG, and the last title in the series produced by series creators Pandora Box. The game follows the same formula laid out by Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy. Characters carry different elemental alignments, which affects their combat capabilities. As their abilities grow, the characters can learn special transformation attacks, and find many different spirits to aid their quest.
The game also features connectivity with other games in the Pandora Max Series.
Pandora Max Series Vol. 2: Shisha no Yobu Yakata is an Adventure Horror game developed and published by Pandora Box, which was released in Japan in 2000.
Ningyo no Rakuin is a tactical horror RPG inspired by the works of Howard Phillips Lovecraft. Between the fanatical quasi-human tribesmen, the Deep Ones rising from beneath the waves, and the grad student from Miskatonic University, there are more references to the Mythos than you can shake a shoggoth at. The plot itself is fast-paced, centering first on surviving the dangers of the island and later on rescuing the main character's girlfriend from a particularly nasty fate involving an unnamed Elder God and a transformation into a fishy abomination. Elements of the storyline play out before and after (and sometimes during) each battle, and the interludes between battle chapters include a short summary of recent events leading up to the current plot point.