'Fun! Fun! Pingu' is a Japanese PlayStation title based on the children's animation series 'Pingu'. The game follows Pingu in his escapades based on different episodes of the show, as he finds and picks up different items and talks with different citizens of Antartica. Alongside the release, various Pingu-branded PSX merchandise like controllers and memory cards were made.
Yamasa Digi World - Tetra Master is a gambling machine simulator. It faithfully emulate 10 Tetra gambling machines with a good presentation, 3 different levels of zoom and the player can configurate all the options in the machine.
Spectral Force is the first in a long series of tactical role-playing games. This is a war simulation game set in "Neverland", where humans, gods, and the demon clans each wage war over the continents for their own visions of unity.
This is the story which became to be called Neverland Great War later. A hero knocked the Devil down just as a legend. After the Devil had died, a country was splited and people begin to fight.
Spectral Force Lovely Wickedness is the third game in the series and sequel to Spectral Force 2.