In this space shooting gallery game the player, as commander of earths last remaining space station, must save the earth from the deadly cylon fleet. Later it was re-released by Tynesoft under the name "Cylon Invasion".
Featuring the Fifth Doctor, this is the first video game produced based on the UK TV Doctor Who series. Released for the BBC Micro, it is similar to a mini-game collection.
A Space Invaders clone in which the player controls the most powerful craft in the universe, the Ultron, at the bottom of the screen moving left or right and tries to defeat waves of aliens cascading down from the top.
In boffin the player plays as a man with an umbrella who must collect all the antiquities in a cave before giving them to an owl to complete the level.
You must ride your moon cycle across the surface of a choice of three moons, avoiding boulders, bouncing monsters, oncoming barrels and bombs dropped by overhead space ships. You are equipped with a moon gun, which fires simultaneously vertically and horizontally. Boulders can be shot to make jumping over them easier but firing into the ground creates craters, as do bombs dropped from above, these craters must be jumped over or a life is lost and the more difficult the moon the more rugged the landscape, so you'll have to be careful when firing.