Earthsiege 2 is a mecha-style vehicle simulation game developed by Dynamix, produced by Frank Evers (NYPH), and released in 1996. Earthsiege 2 is set in the Earthsiege universe, which contains its predecessors Earthsiege (1994) and Battledrome (1995), as well as the action game Hunter Hunted (1996), strategy games MissionForce: CyberStorm (1997) and Cyberstorm 2: Corporate Wars (1998), simulation Starsiege (1999), and first-person shooters Starsiege: Tribes (1999), Tribes 2 (2001), Tribes Aerial Assault (2002), Tribes: Vengeance (2004) and Tribes: Ascend (2012).
As a simulation, Earthsiege 2 gives players the opportunity to pilot massive bipedal war machines known as HERCULANs (Humaniform-Emulation Roboticized Combat Unit with Leg-Articulated Navigation) (or 'HERCs' for short). Set in the 26th or 27th century, Earthsiege 2 features advanced weapons and technology for waging war. Earthsiege 2 takes place across North America, South America, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, and the moon.
Earthsiege 2 features a
Starsiege takes place in the 29th century, portraying the conflict between humanity and the artificially intelligent Cybrid war machines. Played out in various locations throughout the solar system, the story examines both civil unrest in the colonies and an all-or-nothing genocidal invasion by the machines. Bipedal mecha known as HERCs are the mainstay of ground-based combat, and the focus of gameplay.
Humanity is nominally united in an interplanetary Empire, led from Earth by the Immortal Emperor Solomon Petresun. Petresun's policy is the defence of Earth at all costs. While Earth is prosperous and well protected, the colonies on Luna, Mars, and Venus suffer from increasingly harsh regulations and production quotas. The combat units of the Empire are represented by the Imperial Police, Terran Defense Force and the Imperial Knights. The former paramilitary group is responsible for maintaining order in the colonies. The Terran Defense Force are the standard military with bases from Mercury to Titan. The Knights, le
You’ll flip out over the coolest, fastest, most innovative quicksilver ball-basher in the known universe! Across five savage, fully-animated tables, from the ricochet riot of Firestorm to the intense overload of Duke Nukem, Balls of Steel delivers all the authentic gravitational pyrotechnics of real pinball. View all the tables at once or get close for some whiplash scrolling action! Go gonzo with the 5 ball multi-ball mayhem! Squash scampering aliens to bloody oblivion! Hit rails, flippers, pops, sinkholes, targets, magnetic flippers, ramps, the 'cyclotron' ball accelerator -- every conceivable pinball feature in all its glory! Its authentic pinball action -- whiplash fast and finger-burning good! And hey, if it’s good enough for Duke... then it’s good for you!
Balls of Steel is realistic, first and foremost, with real physics behind the ball movement and table obstacles. Each table behaves like you'd expect it to. On top of that, there are many special effects and table animations. Rock out to event-trigge
Alien Shooter: The Experiment is the second add-on to Alien Shooter. This new expansion pack adds five new missions to the game but unlike the previous expansion also introduces new playing fields such as houses, playgrounds. This expansion also adds new weapons and new enemies including a boss battle. One final addition that Sigma Team made, due to popular demand from fans, is the inclusion of a tougher difficulty level selection at the beginning of the game.
2026 AD. One year passed since aliens invaded planet Earth. These monsters have captured large districts of the Earth surface, and now all the humanity arises against them. Among secret government research projects theres a virus which can help people survive and avoid total annihilation. You must get into the secret research-and-development center and save the virus. Yes, save the virus, because its in danger now...
In the new part of the game: - 5 new missions, put together in a plot line - vivid prehistory - even larger crowds of monsters to wipe out before you reach the goal.
The New Conquerors is an expansion disk for Corsairs: Conquest at Sea.
New features include:
Two new campaigns, allowing the player to play as a privateer for two new nations: Spain and Holland
21 new missions
A new 'Adventure mode, which is a sandbox mode containing five maps the player can explore freely, without fixed objectives
This data disk also allows players to access the new Corsairs Gold content.
Clarc is an isometric, grid-based puzzle game with fast-paced arcade elements. It features comic style visuals in various different graphical themes, from the inside of a chaotic factory to the surface of Mars to the interior of an intruding enemy spaceship where you think, run, and fight through heaps and heaps of carefully designed puzzle and action areas.
Our hero, Clarc #37, is a simple, hard-working maintenance robot, living in a decaying nuclear missile factory. Ever since the old supercomputer has disappeared, the rest of the facility has fallen into utter chaos. The discovery that diesel has thrilling effects on robotic circuits lead to a fierce shift in priorities: Every robot has since been focusing on drinking instead of working. Everyone except Clarc. So when a less-than-peaceful spaceship enters the stage to disarm and dismantle this out-of-control doomsday device of a partying factory, Clarc is the one to save the day. He has to overcome his programming to rescue his fellow robots and, of course, his
Victoria II: Heart of Darkness is the second expansion for the grand strategy and political simulator Victoria II. This expansion focuses on the Scramble for Africa. Compete with other colonial powers and experience international crises which require Great Power mediation if the world is to avoid war in this experience crafted by Paradox Development Studio.
The well-known Action-RPG Dawn of Magic will now be continued as the evil forces won't leave the world without a desperate struggle after the death of the monstrous immortal Modo.
Peace is ruined, the fragile balance of the forces that remained for 10 years has fallen into pieces. It is your task to save the world against the Legions of Shadows — and again, you do not have much time to accomplish your mission!
Make comprehensive use of your magic abilities with more than 100 different spells and try do defend yourself not only with mighty wizardry, but as well with the pure power of steely blades.
Are you ready to start another risky journey to the labyrinths of The Other Worlds to stop the invasion of the Legions of Shadows in the Dawn of Magic?
Classic Cabon City is a large city with over 180 stations and a two-track system enabling full choice in the route to your destination. Drive two different Trams with their own cab and follow your route on the HUD interface, Switch junctions directly from the Driver's cabin and explore the vast city laid out before you. The scenery and ambience bring life to the city with attention to detail, high-resolution textures, lighting and Shadows and a great night mode make this the most realistic driving experience to date. In addition, Classic Cabon City provides multiple locations for you to discover, such as Fun Fairs, a large Airport and a 1000m tall Skytower you can approach.
Players control Baja Bill. Players go through the temple of a lost jungle civilization, battling snakes and scorpions with hot and wild sauce. Taco Bell can be consumed for health.
It was a free MS-DOS game that came with a Taco Bell kid's meal.
English detective Carol Reed has arrived and settled into her new apartment in Sweden. In a blink, she`s caught up in a messy chain of events dating back to World War II. Solve a 60-year-old murder case by visiting homes decorated with realistic dolls, knick-knacks, and photos.
The Lost Cases of Sherlock Holmes is a lavish mystery adventure game, featuring 16 unique cases of forgery, espionage, theft, murder and more. Investigate hundreds of potentially relevant clues and lively characters in each mysterious story. Explore 40 historically accurate locations around London, as you track down suspects and evidence.