During an introspective journey, Olea has a chance encounter with two residents of a quiet island — Flori, the cheerful young inn owner, and Llima, her taciturn childhood friend. Unbeknownst to them, they share a connection bound by a tragic past. Can Olea save them from their cruel yet inevitable fate? What is waiting for them at the end?
This is a story about a future before the stars are extinguished. A man who knows about the end and decides to live lavishly and a girl who will turn his life upside down. Their story begins when she steps under his umbrella.
Pursuit of Power 2 is a fast-paced real-time strategy game with pixel art. You assume the role of a powerful leader, which can be a Shadow Knight, Stalker, or Mage. Choose ability upgrades for your leader. Dynamic world events. Manage fortresses. Campaign and skirmish (local or network).
Fatal Gem is the first match-3 VR game and during the game, evil aliens trap the player whose left hand is tied to a time bomb so the player should try to match the gems with the mattock. Keep working and try not to be blown up. Good luck, poor miner!
This game is the third game in The Magnificent Fragments collection. This time, story fragments are interesting facts from the life of Nikola Tesla, narrated as if they were witnessed by Tesla's fictional best friend.
Breaking Wheel is a sidescrolling 3D platformer. You control a wheel and have to collect as much coffee and coins as you can in more than 50 unique levels with a plethora of interesting gameplay mechanics.
Merchants and Mercenaries is a hectic real-time strategy that looks and feels like the board games you love, with none of the waiting. There’s no one way to play, or even to win, but you’d better be fast!
When large numbers of heavily armed terrorists have taken over the Prypiat' area, European governments shook in fear. Soon enough the fear grew even stronger after the terrorists have made contact. They want ten billion Euro in 24 hours or they will blow up the entire Chernobyl nuclear power plant, releasing clouds of deadly, radioactive materials high into the atmosphere all over the northern hemisphere.
Platformer based on a 22 year old blueprint. Help Comit boost his was through several planets in an attempt to stop the evil space pirate Krater from taking over the Star System.
This is a multiplayer first person shooter game.
True FPS (one mesh for both first and third person camera);
Realistic particle effects;
High Quality sound effects;
Chat system;
Epic graphics;
Skins (for weapons);
Customizable slots; FREE SERVER HOSTING
Prepare to undertake a journey that's a bit more than it seems in the futuristic, interstellar world of competitive airbike racing! As you scream around tracks and dodge dangerous weaponry, always remember; in a competitor's life, there's always more than a prize at stake...
In this fast-paced 3 vs. 3 MOBA-styled battle, hero knights use elemental powers to gain control over a ghost that can be placed on enemy bases to lower these bases' shields and drain them of their energy.
If you ever wanted to become a mage, Sorcerers of Kinetics is the game for you. SoK is built from ground up for the HTC Vive: Dive into a world full of magic and fight against enemies in a multiplayer online open world battle arena to gain experience points and gold. Unlock new spells in an unique skill based system that incorporates real physical components.
Darkness Ahead is an adventure game with some horror materials. The main goal in the game is finding your little brother in a plateau left in the building process years ago. You follow your brother's traces around the place with the help of tools you find on your adventure.