More bridges coming down for you !
The goal hasn't changed a bit between Pontifex and Pontifex 2: it's still all about building bridges. Nevertheless, even if you're a seasoned Pontifex player there is much to discover in this game. More materials have been added, suspension bridges can now be made. And if your bridges could hardly withstand the weight of a single train, just think of several crossing at once your bridge... But the most interesting new aspect of this game is probably the possibilty of making drawbridges: at last, you can prove that if you had been the engineer of the tower bridge, it would have ended being a much more fun - but maybe not as reliable - bridge.
Space Dodge'm (sic!) is a shareware conversion of the game of Dodgem, a very simple yet complex game invented 1972 by mathematics student Colin Vout. The name originates from the fact that you'll often have to "dodge" around the pieces of your opponent to advance your own.
This conversion places Vout's abstract board game in a science fiction setting with an added time limit, playing in a space station which is about make fatal contact with an asteroid. Your goal is to evacuate all your shuttles or landers in time, while preventing your opponent to do the same before you.
The game is played on a simple square board, with players taking turns moving one token to a neighboring square at each turn. It is not allowed to move onto an occupied square or backwards, only in the direction of the evacuation pads (up for shuttles, right for landers) or sideways. That's it. The amazing thing is that these primitive rules produce quite a devilish game, where you have to try to block your enemy pieces, while taking care no
This is a 2D shooting game. As the score increases, the difficulty becomes more and more difficult. Different enemies will have different attack methods. If you want to survive longer, keep moving and shoot.
It's World War II, and from France to Germany, prepare to destroy the opposition and help free Europe from Nazi rule as you take command of a Sherman tank in General Patton’s Fourth Armored Division, Patton's best and most elite division. Cut off the enemy at the Brittany Peninsula, escort Allied convoys, and smash Nazi forces across the Moselle. Rescue hostages, relieve the besieged 101st Airborne at Bastogne, cross the Rhine, and drive German forces out of France.
Our name is Jim, a young man who wants to open a future in the world of pirates and has done many different jobs and of all kinds. This time we are going to look for Captain Flint's treasure and start the game remembering how everything happened and how we arrived at Alcachofa Island where he was buried.
Egypt Kids is an educational video game, released in 2001 for Windows-based PCs. It was developed by EMG and published by Cryo Interactive under the Cryo Kids brand. The game was made in association with Réunion des Musées Nationaux.
Aliens have conquered Amsterdam and the player has to drive them back. The defining feature of this game is that all levels are closely modeled after real-life locations; e.g. the dam, the red light district or the wax museum. The rest of the game features straightforward level design with five basic weapons to choose from.
This is a 3D Simulation Tennis game based on the famous Roland Garros franchise. 16 men and 16 women play on 8 different courts. You can choose Singles, Doubles or Mixed Doubles. Each win puts cash in your pocket towards rackets and games with more skilled players.
There are 3 game modes: Tournament, Exhibition, and Practice. In addition, there 12 rackets to unlock, 8 hidden players and 2 bonus courts, plus a 4-player multiplayer option.
Portugal 1111: A Conquista de Soure is a real-time strategy game developed by Ciberbit, a Portuguese multimedia company, in partnership with the Municipality of Soure and historians from the University of Coimbra. The game depicts the historical events of the Portuguese Reconquista, when the Christians fought against Moorish invaders.
A 3D strategy game from the late 1990s. The premise is that war has been eliminated and Wartorn is a tournament that simulates war for an audience bored with all the other sports.
Trash is a real-time strategy computer game developed by Inhuman Games for the Microsoft Windows operating systems. It was released on September 20, 2005.
10Six is a massively multiplayer online strategy game developed by Segasoft and published by Sega for Windows PCs.
10Six was Sega's first foray into MMO's, a persistent online RTS where players signed up for one of four mega-corporations aiming to conquer the rogue planet Visitor, which has entered the solar system and contains a treasure of valuable resources.
Players construct and capture mining sites, construct defenses and NPC units to help defend and attack in a fairly traditional RTS mode, but much of the game also consists of player on player combat in first or third person modes, similar to Battlezone or Planetside.
The server infrastructure was designed to be able to handle a million simultaneous players and was hosted through SegaSoft's (and later, but never saw player counts that high. After failing to attract a sufficiently large audience Sega shut down the game in June 2002, offering refunds to anybody with subscription time left.
It was set to be ported to the Sega Dreamcast, o