The game is centered around the protagonist, Asakura Jun'ichi, who lives on a fictional japanese island named Hatsunejima peacefully attending the local Kazami Academy. His childhood friend and cousin, Yoshino Sakura, returns to the island Hatsunejima after moving to America several years ago. Most of the main stories revolve around the magical unwilting sakura tree, it's powers and mystical connection to the main characters.
The sequel to La luz del druida serves as a closure to the Leyendas de Lhodrye short series (only two games).
This time the action takes place in some far away lands in the Elidon kingdom. Our hero must find "The Ancient One" so he can find a solution to the dark prophecies that threaten his land.
The gameplay is the same as the first game. You control your character through your keyboard in a platform-like environment solving puzzles.
The player takes the role of Richard Burton, the nineteenth century explorer. The game begins with a cinematic sequence showing what happens to Burton after he has died – how he comes to enter Riverworld.
Riverworld is a real-time strategy game, similar to Microsoft's Age Of Empires. Although Burton is the central character, it is seen from a third-person perspective, and other people within the game can be moved and controlled.
The license for this game was acquired from a German blockbuster comedy of the same title, picking up the Snow White and the Seven Dwarves fairy tale theme.This arcade game features the seven dwarves' supposedly favourite pastime: the "board game" - the player takes over the part of the dwarf Bubi who is equipped with a wooden board. He has to hit as many dwarves as he can during the different game stages in order to obtain points. The hit dwarf loses points and falls down unless he shouts "Check!" right after he has been hit. The same holds true for the player, of course. There is also a doppelkopf (German card game) version of the board game where the player is equipped with two boards. In the beginning of the game, the player plays only against one dwarf, but with every new round another dwarf joins the game until all seven are participating. In addition to the dwarves, mean knights, sneaky hunters and court jesters telling bad jokes join the game. Who has collected the highest score after the time has run out,
Originally designed as the heroes of a teaser game for phenomedia's Sven Bomwollen series, these garden gnomes dressed in leather are slightly different. As soon as the leather dwarves feel unobserved, they cut loose in the most shameless manner.
The player's objective is to keep them from performing their pervert actions with the - mouse controlled - whip in order to obtain a lot of points. One must not get diverted by the dwarves' animated poses or their insolent comments. This could mean a loss of points or worse. There are different settings like the garden, the greenhouse or the darkroom.
As a bonus, there are two extra mini games included:
"Dance the leather dwarf" - Make the dwarf dance to cool beats. The better your sense of rhythm, the higher the score.
"Sing Sing! - The dwarves prove their singing talent and you have to repeat the lyrics.
Free Enterprise is a business simulator. You get to choose your factory and then hire a unique workforce to operate machinery and carry out the orders that you assign them all done by exchanging memos. You can produce up to 100 products in your factory and your goal is to be successful.
Published by Microsoft as the third installment of the Microsoft Arcade series and the second to feature Namco games.
Includes Rally-X, Ms. Pac-Man, Xevious, Mappy and Motos
A new era of world conflict. Go where most men don't dare and do what most men won't. Arrive by sea, air and land prepared for unconventional warfare, counter-guerilla tactics and clandestine operations in the most turbulent hot spots in the world. Push your stamina and strength beyond your physical and mental limits, ready to lay down your life in service of your country.
Kin is a puzzle platformer game with combat elements that will have the player traverse the remnants of an ancient civilization on a distant planet. Throughout your journey through alien landscapes, a story will unfold.