Tuneland is a musical children's computer game, produced in 1993 by a division of 7th Level, Kids' World Entertainment. The cartoon video game follows the character Little Howie, who is voiced by the television personality Howie Mandel on an adventure around Old McDonald's Farm.
This Kawasaki-licensed motocross racing game gives players the possibility to ride one of three Kawasaki two-stroke dirtbikes (KX125, KX250, or KX500) over 7 tracks in diverse scenarios. These range from a farm in the countryside, over Egyptian ruins, to an active volcanic area.
The original Hyper Rails, sold in stores and licensed internationally. Hyper Rails 3D Park Editor was a revolution in roller coaster simulation design. What you see is what you get editing, real-time testing and riding right in the editor, and easy access to all the tools you need to speed through the design process made Hyper Rails a serious roller coaster designer.
Merry Gear Solid 2: The Ghosts of Christmas Past is a fan-game based on the Metal Gear series with a Christmas theme.
4 Set years after the events of the first game, Merry Gear Solid 2 sets Old Snake on an adventure to retrieve Santa’s Hat from an extremist group known as the Ghosts of Christmas Past. Using an array of new tools, and returning favorites, Solid Snake must infiltrate Outer Savin’ mall and prevent the Ghosts from taking control of the SOC (Spirit of Christmas) System.
Tower is a top-down action game with adventure and puzzle elements. Fight out of a skyscraper full of terrorists. Find out what one motivated person can do against hundreds of thugs.
On a derelict research space station, you'll find yourself solving puzzles to complete a high value contract, but in the end, will the job be worth it?
Build City is a city-building game set during a monarch's rule in the early 1700s. The player's job is to, as the title implies, build a city. The game constantly monitors a town's current population, gold in the treasury, and food in storage. The player has the option at first to build roads, farms, residences, and markets. Roads and farms may be built anywhere. Residences and markets must be built next to roads. After the population in a city passes certain milestones, the player also has the option to build additional structures essential for a proper city: churches (boosts religious rating), schools (boosts educational rating), medical offices (boosts health rating), and taverns (boosts recreational rating). Further, as these structures become available, nearby neighborhoods see a boost in prosperity which increases housing size as well as population.
Hopmon is a 3D arcade action game. There are 45 levels in total and to complete each level, Hopmon will have to collect all the crystals and place them on the warp zone where the star symbol is printed.
The first in a franchise of Israeli games that gained fame in the boundaries of the small country. A humorous adventure game featuring a failed actor that tries his luck in Hollywood.
A free, open source, turn-based space empire and galactic conquest (4X) computer game being designed and built by the FreeOrion project. FreeOrion is inspired by the tradition of the Master of Orion games, but is not a clone or remake of that series or any other game.
Silas is an old-school kart racing game for the PC. It was inspired by the many great retro kart racing games in the past, and delivers the same speed and twitch-like gameplay found in those previous titles.
It contains a blend of racing, shooting, and flight-based gameplay. You can play on your LAN with friends, or offline. There are many modes to choose from such as racing and deathmatch.