The first installment in the Ben Jordan series by Grundislav. A traditional point and click adventure game (made with AGS) where you control Ben Jordan, a freelance paranormal investigator, one day you receive a call from Florida asking for help, the Skunk-Ape creature is murdering people in a park in Florida and they want Ben to investigate.
Zombies and Pterodactyls 2005 is a freeware multiplayer side-scroller game. One day a pterodactyl decides to take all the zombies, equip them with deadly weapons, and set them free among the humans. Soon other pterodactyls decided they liked this idea so much that they started helping. Pretty soon there was a huge mess.
At first the humans tried to kill the pterodactyls, but then the pterodactyls gave the humans guns, which pleased the humans. The humans then decided to kill the zombies, and the zombies grew upset because they didn't really want to kill humans. But... whatever. No one ever cares what zombies want. So the humans and zombies waged war. The pterodactyls decided that this was a great new game and began to set up battles and flew in competitors.
Ben Jordan receives a call from a woman whose husband's gone missing, you will have to travel to Dunesberg, California to investigate the man disappearance. Then there you will learn about the mystery of a Spanish lost galleon that it's supposedly linked to the man disappearance.
For centuries, a strange entity has lurked inside Number 50 Berkeley Square in London. In the 19th Century, two sailors attempted to enter the house... one was killed and the other lived to tell the tale.
In the modern day, the house is now a bookshop but strange things have been happening so you, as Ben Jordan, are hired to find out what is going on along with a team of four other paranormal investigators.
If you are looking for a freeware game with copious statistics and an intricate, multifaceted, combat engine you won't find it here. Instead, I focused my energies on having lots of non-combat challenges to solve and interesting things to do within the game world. Dark Disciples therefore attempts to differentiate itself by being a more puzzle orientated CRPG and therefore filling a perceived gap in the CRPG 'market'.
After the events in London, Ben decides to return to his home... but then gets a call from his friends, Simon Booth and Alice Wilkins. Simon says that there have been a series of mysterious murders in Osaka, Japan... but they soon discover that there is much more going on than they had first suspected. Working together with local police and his friends, Ben discovers the involvement of living dead, and tries to find links between different events.
In his dream, Wolfie travels to the magical kingdom of the Queen of the Night, who has stolen the sun from the world. Wolfie and our young players must save the world with their musical prowess and find the missing Princess Pamina and Prince Tamino.