In this highly anticipated next installment in the Age of Empires franchise from Ensemble Studios, Age of Empires III places players in the time period of roughly 1500–1850, picking up where Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings left off. As players work to establish their empire, they take on the role of a European power struggling to explore, colonize, and conquer North and South America.
Age of Empires III introduces exciting new gameplay elements, including the all-new Home City and an incredible combat system. Players have new civilizations to discover, random maps to conquer, and a single-player campaign unlike any other. Players also find stunning graphics as a result of a revolutionary graphics engine that pushes the limits of PC graphics technology in an entirely new way.
Yu-Gi-Oh! Online is an online PC game released in November 2005 by Konami, based on the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game, players of the game can duel each other online. Later two versions of the game has been released, Yu-Gi-Oh! Online: Duel Evolution and Yu-Gi-Oh! Online 3: Duel Accelerator.
O Sombrio: A Voz das Almas is a Brazilian horror game where you take on the role of Amir, a professor at the Center for the Study of Natural Phenomenons. After coming into contact with a book called Sinister Sapiens, you become cursed with something that will make you realize the existence of what many cannot see, hear, or feel. In the story, you'll find letters, documents, and telegrams, which will help understand what happened to you and to many in that town.
Deco Online was a free-to-play 3D MMORPG that put players deep into the fantastic story of two warring nations, Millena and Rain. As a legendary swordsman, a fierce archer, or a master of wizardry, players were constantly challenged by the opposing nation and by monsters that lurked around every corner. Notable features included a combo system with hundreds of potential skills, and guardian pets that buffed entire guilds.
Geniu$: The Tech Tycoon Game is a business simulation game in which the player operates an industrial business, making products from bicycles to aircraft. New technologies are obtained through physics questions to be solved by the player, occurring at intervals mirroring real-world innovation.
Star Wars Galaxies: Trials of Obi-Wan was the third expansion pack for the MMO Star Wars Galaxies.
This expansion added the ground planet of Mustafar to the game, and was designed to capitalize on the DVD release of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith and its final fight sequence between Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi, which was set on the same planet. Trials of Obi-Wan includes more than 50 new quests, from rescue missions to the exploration of a crashed Republic cruiser. Many quests also revolve around the return of HK-47 from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, whom players can kill for a quest.
The expansion also allows players to interact with the ghost of Obi-Wan Kenobi to help him "correct an imbalance in the Force" present on Mustafar. High-level quest rewards include the ability to find a fiery red crystal found only on the volcanic planet that creates a lava-like lightsaber.
An small but decent detailed tech map, some ideas in design ripped from E1M1. Thrown a bit of hell into it also to give this map an weird feeling when playing.
The story continues with the strife to find the true origin of the vampires and how they happenend to exist in the first place. All while the three main characters Valnar, Asgar and Alaine face new challenges to overcome their differences and put an end to the never-ending hatred bestowed upon their lives.
This sequel features multiple new elements and features: most prominently the warfare-esque battles for castles with your own troops, an all new social management system with NPC's and how to interact with them, and multiple story endings.
Fate/Hollow Ataraxia is a 2005 PC visual novel video game developed by TYPE-MOON and the sequel to Fate/Stay Night. The word "ataraxia" in the title is a Greek term for "tranquility", giving the title the combined meaning of "empty (or false) tranquility".
The game also was ported to PlayStation Vita, adding full-voice acting, among other enhancements. This version was released in Japan on November 27, 2014.
In this third entry in the Mall Tycoon series, you will once again be running a mall. Place stores, attract customers, and keep the place clean. New to this release are over 20 challenges, which include tutorials and various timed missions. Of course, the sandbox mode returns as well, and you can keep playing any of the missions after completion. Also new is the ability to construct custom stores. You can control the appearance and layout for maximum effect. Finally, the graphics have been improved, and the shoppers are more expressive.
A special edition of the second entry into the fray of WWII. Featured in addition to the game are bonuses such as game trailers and concept art, mission walkthroughs and DVD-style developer commentary (with notes on the historical accuracy as well as game play tips), a narration by veteran Ranger Len Lomell about the assault on Pointe du Hoc, interviews and recording footage with the voice-over cast, and behind-the scenes footage with the developer.
Rollercoaster Tycoon 3: Wild is the second official expansion pack for Rollercoaster Tycoon 3. It adds animal enclosures and safaris, as well as many new ride types and rollercoasters for the player.
A 2005 puzzle game developed by a group of Japanese students, Cloud centers upon a small boy who dreams of flight whilst sleeping in his hospital bed. The player controls the boy's dream avatar as it soars over a collection of small islands. The primary focus of the game is to gather and manipulate clouds in order to create various shapes and ward off incoming rain clouds.