Umbral is a game focused on its own story and narrative, with a first-person view, elements of horror, exploration and puzzles. In Umbral, you take on the role of Mateus, a young adult frustrated with life who, after facing several personal problems, decides to commit suicide. However...
Delearnia: Fractions of Hope is a thrilling puzzle adventure where action, mystery, and mathematics collide. Navigate the enchanting world of Delearnia, conquer challenges, and defeat enemies with the power of mathematics. Rediscover the fun in being a thinker. Become the Mathemagician!
You are an underwater diver surrounded by aggressive fish and mines. Collect the black corals to clean the idols. USP: The diver's energy represents both his life and his stamina, but also his oxygen.
Peace comes from nature and regularity Tap the screen to knock the "Muyu" and advance the time while enjoying the neglected daily nature, and you will find peace. Suitable for relieving anxiety and insomnia symptoms.
A simple game scene editor Players can place blocks You can customize the position rotation size You can modify the material on the block Can play local videos You can customize the color of the image Custom Sound Map size unlimited one plowing one harvest
《League of Abyss》It is a 2D top-down pixel style dungeon Roguelike, where players will play as a hero and defeat terrifying monsters in the abyss, clearing the abyss and saving the world!
Step into the shoes of a virtuoso pianist and experience the thrill of playing a grand piano in the comfort of your home. Grand Piano Simulator offers an immersive and realistic simulation experience with stunning visuals, and a variety of features to unleash your musical creativity.
Type: Science fiction and theology style FPS multiplayer shooting game; Topic: Discovering the Truth of the Universe in the Future of Humanity and Its Impact on the Evolution of Human Bones; Modes: PVE (Gun Shooting Battle and Summoning Flying Shuttle Battle), PVP (Gun Shooting Battle).
Skidaddle Skidoodle is a single-player arcade game about a small forest gnome mage who protects the forest from evil creatures with magical spells, restoring harmony and balance to nature.
A falling block merge puzzle game starring the wizard Nail. Drop blocks from above and evolve them... but there are three evolution paths! Each block has a freshness level, and if left unattended, it will turn into trash!?