Super Monkey Ball: Ticket Blitz continues the adventures of AIAI. The adorable Monkey-in-a-Ball who started the Monkey Ball franchise 10 years ago. Perfect for all ages. This Super Monkey Ball Ticket Blitz arcade machine is the must-have ticket redemption game of the year! Let your players go bananas with Super Monkey Ball Blitz!
Originally called Space Invaders Part II in Japan, this is the first sequel to the coin-munching hit Space Invaders. This game is notable for introducing the concept of a cut-scene.
Like Hang-On Jr. before it was of Hang-On, Limited Edition Hang-On is a simpler-course version of Super Hang-On. LE Hang-On is identifiable by having a full-bodied motorcycle as part of the cabinet.
Cyber Commando is the 1994 sequel to Namco's 1993 arcade game Cyber Sled. The game ran on the Namco System 22 arcade hardware, the successor to the Namco System 21 arcade board which Cyber Sled ran on.
The player pilots a futuristic tank that glides smoothly over the surface like a 'sled', searching for enemies to destroy.
The beautiful Chris has been kidnapped by flying crocodiles! Now Chris's boyfriend Randy must fight his way through hoards of reptilian monsters to save her!
Killer Queen is the world’s only 10-player strategy arcade game. It’s easy to learn--each player has only one button and one joystick -- but the game is infinitely replayable.
Dark Escape 4D is a fixed-gun arcade game for 2-players with a closed booth setup that has multiple built-in elements connected to the game. It has heart rate sensors in the gun handles, built-in air blowers in the front and back of the cabinet, rumble seats, surround sound speakers and a 3D visuals mode for use with the provided glasses.
The game has 4 stages to choose from with a final 5th stage unlocked for clearing them in one session.