Super Mario World: Mario to Yoshi no Bouken Land, is a 28-minute interactive anime video based on the game Super Mario World published by Bandai in 1991. It is designed for use with Bandai's Terebikko system, which utilizes a telephone-shaped microphone to "interact" with the video. It asks the viewer multiple choice questions, and prompts the user to answer by pressing one of four numbered buttons. Although made for use with the Terebikko system, the video can also be played on an ordinary VHS player.
Get ready for the grand opening of the wonderful Mother Goose Land amusement park. Mother Goose, Saymour, and their friends need your help with the preparations for the big event! You'll be meeting your favorite nursery rhyme characters and learning the rhymes that made them famous. But, while everyone's busy with the preparing, someone is out to spoil the fun! And, he has to be found out so the work can get done! So come along and actually get involved in making the arrangements - and solve the mystery of who's making the mischief - and why! And, you'll even get personal phone calls from Saymour and the gang!
Shh-hh! It's Mother Goose's birthday and you're invited to help Saymour and his friends plan a surprise party! There'll be lots of music and entertainment to make the party especially fun! You actually get involved in the planning! And, you can learn party songs, too! Can you get the party ready without Mother Goose finding out what's going on? The personal phone calls from Saymour and his friends will help you figure out how!
The Bee has found a treasure map! Come along with Saymour and his friends and join the Bee on a treasure hunt. But what's an exciting treasure hunt without a sneaky pirate around to foil the plans! You actually get involved in the hunt and a string of wacky adventures before you finally discover what the real "treasure" is! And, you'll even get personal phone calls from Saymour and the gang!