The protagonist is an ordinary high school girl who goes to Yuurin Secondary High School. Suddenly one day her uncle who is the school's Board Chairman leaves his duties up to her as the next Chairman of the School Board.
The power of the Board Chairman is great, they can change the school rules at any time. However at this school the approval of the Student Council is also needed.
The five members of the Student Council appear in front of the protagonist.
Sometimes fighting against them, sometimes cooperating with them, the protagonist has to overcome various problems while running the school.
It's time to start this year full of troubles!
Gakuen K is an otome visual novel based on K Project by GoHands and GoRa featuring an original character exlusive to the game, Konohana Saya, as the protagonist.
Bunmei Kaika: Aoiza Ibunroku is an otome game, developed by HuneX and published by FuRyu, which was released in Japan in 2011.
Mito Aoi is a normal high school student living in a shrine with her childhood friend, Kaminari Sousuke. One day her mother asks them to clean their warehouse, where they find a silver mirror among the other antique stuff. Just before they go out, a thunder strikes outside and Aoi gets absorbed into the mirror. When she opens her eyes Aoi finds herself back in 1873, the Meiji era... and in front of her is a group of travelling performers, Aoiza.
A port of PSP.
Dark cherry disc focus on the three main guys for entry no.7-9: Rudo Jesus (Entry no.7), Moroboshi Tetsu (Entry no.8), and Hamada Shinnosuke (Entry no.9)