The 14th installment in the Tantei Jinguuji Saburo series, and the first on the PSP. Jinguuji meets the Kasumi Sisters, who run a Shinjuku bar. He ends up investigating five seemingly unconnected cases, but...
Kyouto Anba Sansou Satsujin Jiken is a murder mystery adventure game based on writings of Misa Yamamura, a Japanese writer of murder mystery novels. The protagonist of the story is Akiko Sonoyama, freelancer who finds herself in the middle of a murder mystery after the son of the host dies during the dinner right after drinking the wine. Remake of the 3D0 original. The main difference there is that live actors have all been removed and characters were replaced with silhouettes and game interface changed to look like a mystery visual novel but with a selectable actions such as talk or inquire which make the game less of a typical visual novel and only resemble it in graphical presentation by using static backgrounds with dialogue text over it.
Based on the hit Japanese anime series, Fate/Stay Night, this compelling combat experience for the PSP system features a deep roster of characters with unique fighting moves, while employing a fast-paced, weapons-based fighting system that is sure to meet any Capcom fighter fan's highest expectations.
Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven is an action-adventure stealth game developed by Capcom subsidiary development studio K2 LLC and published by Activision in North America and Europe and FromSoftware in Japan for the PlayStation 2 in 2003. It was later ported to the Xbox in 2004 under the title Tenchu: Return from Darkness and to the PlayStation Portable in 2009 under the title Tenchu 3 Portable by FromSoftware.
With Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny's huge roster of warriors, players can battle as one of many returning favorites or new fighters for some nail biting brawls. Blow away the competition using finely tuned and enhanced mechanics including Critical Finishes, Soul Crushes and Equipment Destruction. Adding depth to the combat, an all new single player mode has been developed that not only challenges a player's reflexes but also improves their fighting skills. Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny also allows gamers to engage in local wireless battles, allowing them to challenge a friend using the PSP systems ad hoc networking. Furthermore, an almost limitless character customization feature returns with even more possibilities to create a personalized fighter. Adrenaline pumping combat has never been so accessible.
Kiniro no Corda 2 f Encore is the PSP port of Kiniro no Corda 2 encore. It offers the original game with distinctive alterations. This version of encore was the main Corda IP for celebrating Neoromance's fifteenth anniversary.
Tales of VS. is a crossover fighting game featuring various characters across the Tales video game series. It was developed by Matrix Software and published by Namco Bandai Games for the PlayStation Portable on August 6, 2009 in Japan. It was not localized for release in any other regions.
In Pangya: Fantasy Golf, players practice and perfect their swing on the nine fantasy fairways of Pangya Island. Combining golf gameplay, endless customization options and a slew of sassy female characters set in beautiful environments, PANGYA: Fantasy Golf is based on the global PC MMO PANGYA game developed by Ntreev Soft, and boasts an original storyline with new, exclusive features for the PSP system. Players can utilize the in-game Pangya Shop to customize as many as 18 playable characters and their golf equipment with thousands of unlockable accessories, outfits, gear and power items to improve their golfer's stats and land that hole-in-one. Multiple gameplay modes including Story, Free Round, License, Tournament and Network Mode offer an engaging and varied golf experience. Additionally, Network Mode allows the ultimate golf gaming fan to connect with up to eight players and compete against one another in either single or team-based tournaments.
G-Force is a Disney-movie licenced 3D action game where you play as Agent Darwin, the high-tech guinea pig and as Agent Mooch the highly equipped house fly to solve many different missions. Your main target and priority mission is to stop the evil billionaire Leonard Saber, who wants to use his so-called Saberling household appliances as weapons to gain world domination.
Class of Heroes is a role-playing dungeon crawler game. As a student of Particus Academy, you will learn the ups and downs of dungeon spelunking, with each quest solved and monster slain a step towards graduation.