Dragon Ball: Dragon Daihikyou is the first Dragon Ball console video game ever released. It was developed and released by Epoch in September 27, 1986, for the Super Cassette Vision console, making it the only Dragon Ball game not produced or distributed by Bandai or the subsequent Namco Bandai.
The objective of the game is to take the opposing king. When the king cannot avoid being caught on the next move, the game is over. They say the king is "Matt". The shogi opposes two players who take turns playing. The Shogi chess board is called Shogi Ban ("Shogi table") and has 81 squares (9 x 9), the three rows furthest from the players constituting their promotion area. At the start of the game each player has 20 pieces: a king, a rook, a bishop, two gold generals, two silver generals, two horsemen, two spears, and nine pawns.
An arcade style game where you play as a bunch of clowns trying to perform a circus act where they use acrobatics to catch doves.
The game is divided into three stages. In the first stage you control two clowns using a seesaw to catch doves. In the second stage you control two clowns bouncing the third on a trampoline to catch the doves. In the third stage you control a bouncy pillow trying to help one of your clown friends bounce to catch the doves, near the top of the screen two additional clowns are performing acrobatics and will catch the bouncing clown if he makes it up there, which will help you reach the high perching doves.
The adventure of Pop and Chips begins with the fairy Pippi, who has been kidnapped by Pumpkin the Great. There are blocks that can be broken and blocks that cannot be broken on the screen. When you break the fruit block, Pippi appears and moves up and down on the screen, and when you go around and back to the original position, he returns to the original fruit block. If you touch Pippi, he will be collected at the top left of the screen. Once you return to the fruit, the movement will be faster from the second time. Clear the screen by collecting all the Pippi.