Take the fight to the streets!
In the grips of a vicious crime syndicate, this once peaceful city has become a center of violence and mayhem.
Amidst this chaos, three young police officers are determined to tackle the problem head-on. Taking control of one of three ex-officers, use their special hand-to-hand combat abilities to take down the syndicate and save the city.
In addition to its all-new 3D presentation, 3D Streets of Rage also features Local Multiplayer and a Single Hit KO mode to help you power through the city’s crime.
Make the Call has the player play as the umpire and call the pitches. This is one of the 2 games you can get a demo out of (with just the first 6 Challenges). The demo is unlocked by buying 3 other key games.; once you buy the full version for $4.00 or $2.00 after haggling with Rusty, the demo will be replaced with the full version.