Gênio Quiz BBB 21 is an unofficial-themed version of the Genius Quiz game, now with fifty questions to test your knowledge of the 2021 edition of Big Brother Brasil.
Genius Quiz World Cups is an unofficial-themed version of the Genius Quiz game, now with fifty questions to test your knowledge of all the editions of the FIFA World Cup.
Genius Quiz 2018 World Cup is an unofficial-themed version of the Genius Quiz game, now with fifty questions to test your knowledge of the 2018 FIFA World Cup.
Genius Quiz Rick&M is an unofficial-themed version of the Genius Quiz game, now with fifty questions to test your knowledge of the Rick and Morty series.
Genius Quiz TWD is an unofficial-themed version of the Genius Quiz game, now with fifty questions to test your knowledge of The Walking Dead franchise.
Genius Quiz LoL is an unofficial-themed version of the Genius Quiz game, now with fifty questions to test your knowledge of the game League of Legends.