Lupin III: The Master File is a collection of materials related to the production of the Lupin III anime from 1971 to 1994. This includes character sheets, location maps, original sketches, music, poster scans, and plot summaries.
An expanded edition of Master File was released on DVD and Blu-Ray on March 28, 2012.
An enhanced port of Suiko Enbu (aka, Dark Legend) exclusively upgraded for the Saturn.
The game is a one-on-one 2D fighting set in medieval China and based around the myths of the classic "Shuihuzhuan" Chinese story. As usual for a beat 'em up, gameplay consists of you selecting your champion from a group of 14 fighters and clashing against each other using your specific moves and attacks. Additionally, each character fights with his own unique weapon, but depending on how much you block your weapon can break and you must finish the fight barehanded and using a different moveset and generally faster (but less powerful) attacks.
This enhanced port features three additional speed settings and refined balance between each fighter, two all new characters (plus the main boss as a selectable fighter) a brand new intro and new backgrounds. Features single-player or two-player vs gameplay.
Panzer Dragoon II Zwei is an "on-rails" shoot 'em up game released exclusively for the Sega Saturn. It was the second Panzer Dragoon game released but it is a prequel of the series. It was developed by Team Andromeda, one of Sega's internal development studios.
Linkle Liver Story is an action-oriented RPG that takes place on a distant planet called Mamuuna whose inhabitants are humans with animal qualities. The story centers around the "Mother Flower" which gives life to all new beings on the planet when one day it disappears.
The Gun Griffon armored mechanoid is the most sophisticated military hardware yet to grace the battlefields of the 21st century. As a leading commander of the Asian Pacific Community's army, you control a devastating array of weapons in your bid to smash the enemy's defenses and destroy their key strategic targets before time runs out.
The first Evangelion video game, released for the Sega Saturn in 1996, shortly after the TV series's run. The story is set after the episode ASUKA STRIKES!, with Shinji badly injured and suffering amnesia as the result of an Angel battle and needing to retrain (by sparring with Asuka in Unit-02) and having to defeat the Angel to regain his memories. The game features RPG elements and FMV clips for combat; most of the animation is original to 1st Impression (with the voices of the original Evangelion voice actors and some other content recycled from the TV series).