Embark on a captivating adventure in Pokémon Azure Horizons, as you journey through the new region of Zephyr as a Pokémon trainer. As you follow in your brother's footsteps and strive to reach the top of the regional league, an unexpected disturbance emerges. Mysterious trainers wreak havoc across the land, their intentions unknown. With over 386 ADV gen Pokémon to capture, the game offers a diverse range of creatures to add to your team. Encounter the new "evil" team, Team Tundra, while exploring the vibrant landscapes. Experience the features inspired by Pokémon Diamond & Pearl, such as sprite changes and decapitalized names, as you engage in thrilling battles with a variety of trainer battle themes. Unveil the secrets of Zephyr through exciting events and side quests, all accompanied by a blend of nostalgic tracks from Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald. Can you overcome the challenges and become a legendary Pokémon trainer in Pokémon Azure Horizons?
Pokémon Crystal Advance Redux is an exciting unofficial remake of the classic game Pokémon Crystal, meticulously crafted to bring a fresh and enhanced experience to trainers. This game takes all the beloved elements of the original Crystal version and infuses it with a host of new features, abilities, and moves, creating a captivating journey through the Johto region.
One of the notable additions in Pokémon Crystal Advance Redux is the introduction of new abilities and attacks. Trainers can now strategize and exploit their Pokémon's unique abilities to gain an edge in battles. With a revamped move set that incorporates moves from the fourth generation, players have an expanded arsenal of powerful attacks at their disposal, making battles even more intense and dynamic.
Pokemon Stranded departs from traditional Pokemon games in a number of ways. To begin with, there are no Gyms or traditional Pokemon Trainers, no badges, no Pokemon Centers or Marts, and so forth. In addition, the game’s main story will be relatively short and straightforward, but there will be thousands of side stories to follow along the way. The majority of game updates will focus on adding new side quests.
bit Generations: Dialhex is a Game Boy Advance video game released in 2006 by Nintendo and skip, Ltd. The game was part of the initial batch of bit Generations games.
A challenging and revised Kanto, with an extended story, harder difficulty, all legendaries obtainable. 386 Pokemon, every hero, gym leader, and popular characters from the first three generations (including the anime) all making an appearance.
A simple strategy game, where you build flying castles and fight other players. Runs on a Gameboy Advance. Instructions included within the game!
Supported peripherals:
* Gameboy Player (Gamecube) rumble support
* Link cable multiplayer
* SRAM or Flash storage
Based on the comic book of the same name, Ultimate Spider-Man lets you play as either the hero Spider-Man or his arch-nemesis, Venom. Use the unique combat techniques of either Spider-Man or Venom to battle a host of Spider-Man characters. Artistic contributions by the creators of the series make for an authentic Spider-Man experience.