The Hikyou Tankentai: Choutoko Special is an Action Adventure game, developed by Japan Art Media (JAM) and published by D3Publisher, which was released in Japan in 2009.
Simple DS Series Vol. 19: Yareba Dekiru! THE Micro Step Gijutsu de Oboeru Eitango is a Miscellaneous game, developed by Vingt-et-un Systems and published by D3Publisher, which was released in Japan in 2007.
A combination of a fighting game and a collection of various mini-games starring characters from the Yes! PreCure 5 GoGo!, Futari wa PreCure Max Heart and Futari wa PreCure Splash Star anime series.
Treasure Report: Kikai Jikake no Isan is a Puzzle game, developed by Matrix Software and published by Bandai Namco Games, which was released in Japan in 2011.
There is a fairy-tale story of a traveling prince who falls in love with a princess but are torn apart. The story is told by a young boy to the main character as a young girl in a church on the grounds of Habataki High School. The boy promises to one day return to that same place to declare his love. The protagonist returns to Habataki High School, after living away for a time due to her parents' work. While leading a normal high school life including academics, club activities and part-time work, it is also possible to become friendly with boys who can make a declaration of love on graduation day.
1st Love Plus includes:
• new character Tendo
• best friends scenario
• skinship
• kiss endings
• compatibility with Nintendo DSi
• fully voice dialogs