After Yuko has defeated the evil Rogles, peace descended upon Earth and the magical world of Vecanti. But a new threat has arisen: an enigmatic man named Glames from the Dark World, possessor of a sword named Leethus, is planning to conquer both Earth and Vecanti, convinced that there is no other way to save his world from imminent destruction. A young girl from the Dark World named Cham escapes from Glames, and asks Yuko to help her stop him with the aid of her Valis sword.
Like its predecessors in the series, Valis III is a side-scrolling platform action game. Unlike the previous installments, the player can control three characters in the game: Yuko, Cham (who uses a whip and fights similarly to Castlevania protagonists), and princess Valna from Vecanti, who is weaker physically, but can cast more powerful magic. Each of the characters can equip different weapons and has access to her own magic spells.
Electronic Deathstyle is a well-balanced collection of 16 brand new songs and remixes for the PC Engine CD/TurboGrafx CD that makes this the perfect companion to this year's previously released PC-Engine/TG-16 and Game Boy albums 'Electronic Lifestyle' and 'Living Electronics'.
Legion is a side-scrolling shoot 'em upset in a futuristic world. Players control a fighter pilot tasked with defending a futuristic empire from waves of mechanical enemies.
The Pro Yakyū Super '94 is a follow-up to The Pro Yakyuu Super. With the exception of a new mode, different music, commentary, and slight interface changes, the gameplay is largely identical to that of the previous entry.
Rosters of the licensed professional Japanese baseball teams have been updated to the current season. The new mode is called "Home Run Contest"; the player controls a batter against a computer-controlled pitcher, trying to score a home run.
The sequel to Shinsetsu Shiawase Usagi features the same characters: the nameless main hero and the two school girls: Yuki and Mary. The gameplay is similar to the previous game, the player being allowed only to make a choice occasionally.
Tooki Yobigoe is a direct sequel to Mamono Hunter Yōko: Makai kara no Tenkōsei, continuing where the story of the previous game left off. Yohko, Shoma and Setsuna are attacked by demons on the flying ship, and have to use their recently found powers to fend them off. As opposed to the previous game, where Shoma was the protagonist, Yohko is the player character in the sequel.
Gameplay-wise, the puzzle-less Japanese adventure format is further utilized. Verb commands must be selected from a menu and sometimes combined with objects or character names for interaction. It is often necessary to repeat commands several times to trigger the next event.
Makai kara no Tenkōsei is based on the anime series Devil Hunter Yohko. The anime focuses on Yohko Mano, a Japanese high school student who discovers that she is the 108th Devil Hunter, destined to fight supernatural evil beings in accordance with her legacy. The game puts the player in the role of Shoma, a new exchange student who meets Yohko and her best friend Chikako at his new school. Miraculously, the three are teleported into a parallel dimension, and the reluctant hero discovers, to his amazement, that its inhabitants seem to be familiar with him. The game plays like a typical Japanese-style adventure, with a menu of verb commands (Look, Talk, Think, and Move) at nearly every screen, some leading to object lists. It is often necessary to go through the commands several times to unlock a new one or trigger events. Limited menu-based navigation is also present.
Shanghai II is a variant of the puzzle game also known as solitaire mahjong. 144 mahjong tiles are arranged in rows and stacked upon each other in various patterns; the player's goal is to remove pairs of matching tiles that do not have adjacent tiles from both sides until the whole board is clear. This variant features six patterns named after animals: tiger, scorpion, monkey, snake, panther, and dragon. The player can choose to display hints or reverse any amount of moves. A mode with a time limit is available as well.
The PC Engine CD version of Double Dragon II by Naxat Soft is surprisingly modeled closely after the NES game, from featuring mostly the same levels down to the rule of having no more than two enemies on screen at a time. But it does mix and match different types together, and in general extends the stages with additional hoodlums. There are a few other notable structural differences – namely, the fight on the huge moving bulldozer at the end of the forest level is missing, but to make up for its omission, the Lee brothers actually have to fight Willy before they meet their own shadows like in the arcade game. They also get to face the Shadow Master (now without the cape) on any difficulty level, although you miss out on the second round in a church and the good ending with Marion revived unless you beat the game on the Hard difficulty mode.
This installment of Shiawase Usagi abandons the heroines of the two previous games in favor of characters curiously named after Neon Genesis Evangelion heroes: the protagonist is called Shinji, the love interests Misato and Asuka, etc. The plot, however, has little to do with that of the anime series: the hero is a young man who is watching a porn movie and decides to get some real "action". Afterwards, it becomes a series of sexual encounters, which proceed depending on the player's choices.
Being a visual novel, the game can develop into different directions story-wise. The only gameplay consists of deciding where to go and/or what to do. Depending on the player's decisions, the story will be concluded with various endings, "happy" as well as "bad".
CD Battle is a game for two players that prompts each of them to insert an audio CD into the console in order to generate a party of three characters for each player, which then engage in a turn-based battle. The characters belong to different classes (warrior, mage, ninja, etc.) and have different parameters and special attacks. Despite the game's visual similarity to contemporary Final Fantasy games, it has no true role-playing elements and consists entirely of battles.