A mysterious creature rises from the depths of the Earth to capture a new queen for his people, and he's got his eyes on Lois Lane. His evil powers allow him to transform into any human shape, causing total confusion. Will Superman save Lois from the cluthces of the Mysterious Mr. Mist? - Spectacular rare interactive CDROM multimedia comic book!
2nd version of Escape Velocity. This is a sandbox game where players start with a small ship and limited capabilities. Players can get missions, buy and sell goods, or become a pirate.
Harry the Handsome Executive is a shareware action game published by Ambrosia Software. Players must slip into the modestly priced loafers of Harry (the handsome executive) as he pilots his state-of-the-art swivel chair into battle against AOL disc throwing coworkers, killer robots, and the upper management of ScumCo itself.
A 1993 first-person labyrinth shooter developed by Callisto for Mac OS. Its standout feature is that it could be played across the network with up to 8 different computers.
Embark on an epic crusade across all of space and time in real time. From humble beginnings, you and your ponies can explore and conquer thousands of realms by land and by sea.
Collect resources, build an army, and crush those who dare challenge you (or just plant flowers and raise ponies).
In Ironfell you can can gather stockpiles of resources to gain an unfair advantage over your enemies. The longer you’ve been playing for, the more resources you have, the stronger you are. And you take that full advantage into battles set in a massive persistent world.
Start a new rogue-like game every day or build an impregnable fortress that nobody can destroy.
Innovative if overlooked game which utilizes the fledgling Inverse Parser system, which anticipates communication choices. Crawford later further developed this design after this game was released.
Victory at all cost
It’s time to dust off the field marshal's baton and take command of any nation in World War II; the largest conflict in history. Thecritically acclaimed grand strategy game Hearts of Iron III lets you take charge - or delegate - at any level, from division to nation, through a variety of scenarios.
Included within the Hearts of Iron III Collection:
Hearts of Iron III
Hearts of Iron III: Semper Fi
Hearts of Iron III: For the Motherland
Hearts of Iron III: Their Finest Hour
Lead any one of 100 different countries from 1936 to 1948
Explore the advanced Technological system with hundreds of categories
Interact with thousands of historically accurate military commanders and politicians
Realistic military command AI allows for unprecedented levels of interaction
Historical accuracy combined with an unparalleled level of freedom of choice
Experience the most detailed depiction of World War II ever created on a map covering the entire world
Flexible technology system with hundreds of cat
Escape Velocity Nova (a.k.a. EV Nova or EVN) is a video game by Ambrosia Software, in collaboration with ATMOS. It is the third game in the Escape Velocity series of space trading & combat games.