In a dystopian world where the Motorhead Empire has conquered and enslaved virtually the entire planet, mammoth battleships, armored locomotives, and invincible fortresses dominate the skies. However, there is hope for the republic of Silverhead, and you are the only one who can save it. Take control of the Striker airplane or Zeppelin with an aerial mine launcher and engage in intense euro-shmup action, battling enemies both in the air and on the ground, and using devastating screen-clearing attacks in tight spots. With improved graphics and controls, Steel Empire, originally released in the early 90s for a 16-bit console, has been ported to various handheld consoles. Join the fight and defeat the Motorhead Empire.
Unique third-person shooter action game just made comeback to Nintendo Switch. Become Grave, a resurrected gunslinger and ruthless anti-hero, and rain down bullets on your enemies.
Continue the story of the Nameless Hero in Gothic II: Complete Classic, the award-winning sequel that improved on its predecessor in every way. Experience it now for the first time on Nintendo Switch.
Gothic II: Complete Classic brings together the excitement of Gothic II and the add-on Night of the Raven to your fingertips for the first time on a console.
Are you looking for some fun and educational games for your family? Look no further than the Family Games Bundle, a collection of four amazing games that will keep you and your kids entertained for hours.
Airship Defender is a game of air defense, we try to grow our airship and protect it from enemies. Well of course the enemies are experienced, they come at us in waves and attack us, and worse, the bosses!
Complete Edition Features:
- 15 large maps with slides
- 50+ funny skins, 11 floaties, 13 gliders
- multiplayer mode up to 4 players on one screen!
- opening packs with random skins
- spawning mysterious powerups during the game
- catchy holiday music
- easy controls so anyone can play
- simple rules and lots of fun!
Gather people across the city and beat your opponents with your excellent leadership. The more people you run into, the bigger your crowd becomes!
Complete Edition Features:
- 7 maps to run on
- 40+ skins to make your crowd look even cooler
- Additional 2000 coins
- Crowd upgrades
- Amusing gameplay
- Ear-catching music
- Easy controls so anyone can play
- Simple rules and lots of fun!
This bundle contains "Food Truck Tycoon", "Sweet Bakery Tycoon", "Food Truck Tycoon - Asian Cuisine", "Burger Chef Tycoon", "Breakfast Bar Tycoon" and "Pizza Bar Tycoon".