In a dystopian world where the Motorhead Empire has conquered and enslaved virtually the entire planet, mammoth battleships, armored locomotives, and invincible fortresses dominate the skies. However, there is hope for the republic of Silverhead, and you are the only one who can save it. Take control of the Striker airplane or Zeppelin with an aerial mine launcher and engage in intense euro-shmup action, battling enemies both in the air and on the ground, and using devastating screen-clearing attacks in tight spots. With improved graphics and controls, Steel Empire, originally released in the early 90s for a 16-bit console, has been ported to various handheld consoles. Join the fight and defeat the Motorhead Empire.
Travel to the remote Blood Edward Island as Ashley, a 13 year old girl in search of her father in Another Code: Two Memories. Ashley receives a letter from her father who she believed to be dead, setting off a chain of mysteries and visions into the past. Investigate your surroundings and locales while solving puzzles to reveal the truth in this refreshed retelling of the original Trace Memory game for the Nintendo DS system.
The Nintendo DS game Trace Memory and its Wii sequel are coming together, fully enhanced, on the Nintendo Switch system. A young girl named Ashley receives a letter from her father, who she thought had passed away. Seeking answers, she sets off for a solitary island in search of him. Once there, Ashley encounters puzzles and obstacles that threaten to hinder her investigation. Find the traces of her past and experience the full story for the first time.