object(stdClass)#3 (6) { ["message"]=> string(38) "Authorization Failure. Have you tried:" ["Tip 1"]=> string(62) "Ensure you are sending Authorization and Client-ID as headers." ["Tip 2"]=> string(69) "Ensure Authorization value starts with 'Bearer ', including the space" ["Tip 3"]=> string(96) "Ensure Authorization value ends with the App Access Token you generated, NOT your Client Secret." ["Docs"]=> string(41) "https://api-docs.igdb.com/#authentication" ["Discord"]=> string(23) "https://discord.gg/igdb" }
Fatal error: Uncaught IGDBEndpointException: Authorization Failure. Have you tried: in /home/stearuhk/public_html/igdbapi/IGDB.php:143 Stack trace: #0 /home/stearuhk/public_html/igdbapi/IGDB.php(797): IGDB->_exec_query('https://api.igd...', 'fields name,slu...') #1 /home/stearuhk/public_html/platform_main.php(85): IGDB->game('fields name,slu...', true) #2 {main} thrown in /home/stearuhk/public_html/igdbapi/IGDB.php on line 143